Pantheons full armour

64 8 2

Finally done!!
This took me 2-3 days to colour!!
I feel soo proud !!
Btw GreekMth thank u!!
MIKAELAtheweird draws a lot !!

I'm so pissed of right now.
There have been 2-3 people who have used my follow for follow thing in a wrong way.
I follow back to return a favour of following me!!
If u try all those tricks on me, sorry it won't work!!
I have been on social media from age of 7 now I'm 12 , I know so many tricks to get more followers, but I don't do it because people who follow me deserve respect.
Tricks like these eg:
U follow someone, wait for them to follow u, unfollow them.
Here u go.
But, I keep track of follow sand followers , I have an app!!
Thank u.
Bye. [-_-]

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