2 Merlin and Freya

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20 words of how it began

"You'll be safe down here. I'm Merlin, by the way."
"I'm Freya."
"See you in the morning, Freya."
"Thank you."

19 words that make me smile

"I don't think you understand. I've never known anyone like you."
"Merlin? I've never known anyone like you either."

18 words of the truth I didn't want to hear

"I wish I was like everyone else but..."
"You always know deep down you're not?"
"Cause I'm cursed."

17 words of hope

"It's just... I'm going to miss you."
"No, you won't. Cause I'm going to come with you."

16 words of broken hearts

"I'm going to look after you, I promise."
"You can't look after me, no one can."

15 words of the future we dreamed of

"Somewhere with mountains."
"A few fields."
"Wild flowers."
"A couple of cows."
"And a lake."

14 words of what she means to me

"You keep doing all this for me. I don't deserve it."
"I want to!"

13 words of what she couldn't see

"Magic doesn't have to be a curse! It can be a gift. Look."

12 words of how I feel

"I like you. With you I can just be who I am."

11 words of how I've been wrong

"We don't have to hide anything. We don't have to worry."

10 words of how I see her

"You really don't realise how special you are, do you?"

9 words of the bond between us

"I scare most people away."
"I'm not most people."

8 words of what I want her to remember

"Being different is nothing to be scared of."

7 words that mean more than I thought

"Listen to me. I'm not like you."

6 words of my deepest pain

"I don't want you to go."

5 words of what I gave her

"You made me feel loved."

4 words of our last moment together

"You remembered."
"Of course."

3 words of a promise I couldn't keep

"We'll be together."

2 words of the end

"Goodbye Merlin."

1 word of how it began


20 Words of How Merlin BeganWhere stories live. Discover now