Hayleys POV

Once home I sit and watch tv for a while but cant focus on it. Tonight has been amazing, its been ages since ive been out like that and just forgotten about politics and been a young woman doing what a young woman should be doing - having fun. I realise ive been missing out on more than i had realised and Liam, well he is just fantastic. I truly feel like ive met a great friend in him and in politics you rarely have friends outside of it so this is wonderful, plus he is really handsome, not that id go there but he is. I look at the concert ticket he brought me and smile. I havent been to a boyband concert for at least ten years - back then in my teenage years my bedroom walls were covered in posters of boybands - now im hanging out with a member of one. Of course One Direction have never really been on my radar, i sing along to their songs when they come on the car radio and their faces are everywhere you go - theres nothing you cant buy without their faces endorsed on it - but thats never been something to interest me, ive had far more important things on my agenda.
Im looking forward to the concert though, it will be good to go to a concert and have fun and to see him perform. I dont even know if he's any good because some of the boybands ive seen have been dire when singing live but something about him tells me he will be good, he doesnt seem the type that would put himself out there if he didnt have the talent to back it up. I suppose im going to find out on thursday.

I decide to go up to bed and get some sleep. I've a day full of meetings to contend with tomorrow so i need to ensure im awake and on form. I reach for my phone and set an alarm for 7am then place it back on my bedside table and close my eyes but sleep isnt forthcoming. Instead i lie awake and think. Think about the one thing i know i shouldnt be thinking about. Liam over and over for hours.
I psycho analyise myself. How have i become preoccupied with a 22 year old popstar? This is rediculous. I shake my head and tell myself im just fantasising because i know hes someone i could never have - thats the psychology of it. I dont want him i just think i do because i know i cant. Human nature is to always want what we cant have. Eventually my head clears thanks to my reassuring conclusion and i drop off to sleep at 4am.

My alarm wakes me and i struggle to get up so press snooze four times before eventually dragging myself out of bed and into the shower before i can fall back to sleep. I cant believe ive had a sleepless night and i certainly cant believe its been over a guy. A guy thats in a world famous boyband. A guy that is 5 years younger than me. A guy that is totally unsuitable in every way. I remind myself of last nights psychoanalysis and sigh. Its just a fantasy. I dont need to worry.

My morning meetings are long and boring and by lunchtime Im exhausted after my sleepless night and decide the only way im going to get through the afternoon is to get some seriously strong caffeine down me so i head to my car and go to the starbucks drive in for a large latte and a sandwich then park up and sit in the car for half an hour whilst eating.
I check my phone three times in 30 minutes and i know why im checking it - im hoping to hear from liam. Im hoping im going to see him again tonight but im pretty sure thats not going to happen. This fantasising is rediculous.

I want to text him to pre-empt him but ive got nothing to say. I sit and try think of an excuse but i cant. Theres nothing to be said. We dont know eachother well enough for me to just text and say "hey how are you?" So unless i can find an excuse i cant contact him but at least i know i will see him tomorrow night at the concert.

I turn my phone off when i arrive back at the town hall and go into a political campaign training session - its actually pretty interesting and thanks to the latte at lunch i am now fully alert! The training serves as a welcome distraction from my overactive imagination and I finish at 4pm feeling somewhat less obsessive. The latte now wearing off and the exhaustion kicking in I lie on the sofa and watch tv and try to keep my mind from wondering about a certain boy.

Liams POV
Ive been wanting to text her all day but i know shes been at work and i have no valid reason to contact her, i dont want her thinking im some weird stalker but if im honest i just want to hang out with her again, shes amazing and i love being around her. I know theres a spark there and shes probably aware of it too because youd have to be blind not to notice it but so far weve both played it cool and ignored it, Im just not sure how much longer i can.
I like her and i know she doesnt have a hidden agenda in me - thats not something i can afford to ignore. Girls like her are gold dust for guys like me and i cant let her slip away without trying.

I distract myself until 8pm and then crack, get into my car and drive to her house. If she thinks im a weird stalker then so be it. Ive got nothing to lose. I go back on the road next week. I dont have the luxury of time so i cant play the long game. I knock on the door figuring i'll just tell her i was passing by and thought id see if she wanted to hang out but as she answers the door i realise i probably should have text first.
Shes in her bathrobe with her hair wrapoed in a towel - clearly shes just gotten out of the bath.

"Liam! What brings you here?" She asks as she steps aside allowing me in.
She looks mortified that shes in a bathrobe but pleased to see me.

I use the excuse that i was passing and bored and thought id see if she wanted to hang out. She smiles a huge grin telling me to sit down.

"I'll go and get dressed give me a minute. Youve discovered my secret single behavoiur. My plan was bath and pyjamas in front of the tv" she jokes

"Dont let me stop you! Im happy to sit and chat to you in your pyjanas in front of the tv given im the one thats invaded your plans" i tell her

She goes off to get changed and reappears in sweatpants and a t'shirt and comes to sit beside me on the sofa. Her hair combed out but still wet. No makeup and yet still beautiful. She hands me the tv remote telling me to pick something to watch whilst she gets us a drink. I find Dirty Dancing saved and downloaded on her sky tv planner and cant help but laugh. Typical woman but to be fair its a good movie so i decide to choose it. Plus a movie is 2 hours meaning i get to stay here with her longer than a tv show. She brings us drinks and cringes when she sees what ive picked "more secret single behaviour" she admits rolling her eyes but i shrug "It is a good movie and to be fair if i was a woman id be swooning over patrick swayze too. Hes such a good dancer and his body in this is insane" i admit honestly as i hit play.
"Yeh hes hot alright" she says dreamily as she swings her legs up and underneath herself on the couch and gets comfy.

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