Part One

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Author's note: Thanks so much for reading! Please note, all that is written here I own the rights to. So, in other words, no parts of this book may be scanned, copied or distributed without permission. Xoxo.

Please use precaution while reading this if you scare easily, or are uncomfortable with situations involving the paranormal or unknown. Please enjoy if you continue to read on. Thanks dear reader for your time. Also, please remember to vote and comment so I know what you think!


I rolled my eyes as I entered fourth period Math class. I took my seat, and immediately began to gaze out the window into the courtyard. Unknowing of course of the life-changing events that would occur that evening. An event that would leave me wishing for the safety of this boring math class instead; but, I'm jumping ahead.

As the teacher droned on, I watched the squirrels chase each other up the courtyard light posts. I smirked as the "chunkier" one took the lead back down to get the nut before the others. This left the "average" sized squirrels a bit dumbfounded. I could relate to the chunkier one, well, size wise.

Being a thicker chick, (by high school Barbie doll standards), I was rarely chosen for solos or the eye level dancing spots on stage. I learned the hard way that school ran on politics and politics only. However, what I was informed in second period choir that morning shocked me. In tonight's program I would be front and center, and belting out my first solo. I smiled a bit to myself at the thought of it. Much like my new squirrel friend outside, I had blown past the competition and captured the prize.

I began to drift off for the moment, daydreaming of how the evening would go. My friend Kyla would be right behind me cheering me on. The audience would be in awe of me, and my crush would be watching with batted breath. I smirked to myself, hoping no one could detect my conceited thoughts by the large smile about my lips.

My friend Kyla appeared suddenly in the doorway with a note for the teacher. She looked over at me briefly and we waved at each other and giggled a bit. She had unfortunately totaled her car a week prior. Thankfully, she walked away without a scratch on her but the car was definitely done. She was now reliant on me to take her around.

She barely made the jurisdiction of our school district as far away as she lived; and she often felt bad because it was way out of the way for me. I often reassured her that it wasn't a problem. I had a car now, and enjoyed driving. Even though my car wasn't always the most reliable, or "cool" to say the least.

When the last bell of the day rang we high tailed it out the front doors as fast as we could. Kyla seat belted in and threw her backpack alongside mine in the backseat. She advised she had spoken to her Mother prior, and they agreed Kyla would just get ready at my house. I felt relieved because this would allow us more time to prep for the performance.

We took our time beautifying; hair curling and over the top makeup. We had extra time so we pre-gamed with nuggets and pop before heading over. The band went on first, the orchestra, then the under classmen choirs. The curtains closed and we quickly located our spots on stage.

Afterwards, I was somewhat disappointed with my performance. I fell flat on important notes due to nerves, and couldn't locate my love interest in the audience. When the curtains closed again we exited the stage to the green room. Kyla took that opportunity to reassure me that I had sang beautifully. She was sure that my love interest, although unseen, was thoroughly impressed as well.

After the show we sat on the large staircase of the school chatting with other friends. We lost track of time and before we knew it midnight was approaching. Kyla's Parents became incredibly strict on curfew since her accident, so we decided it was time to go.

Kyla lived about thirty minutes away in a remote and highly wooded area. To get there we had to veer of the main roads I was accustomed to. I didn't want to admit it, but these roads made me very nervous at night. I had my brights on most of the way since deer and other wildlife tended to jump out unexpectedly.

We pulled into the drive and she suggested I could stay the night if I wanted to. I reached for the cell phone I had (which was my sisters), and realized it was dead. I wouldn't be able to ask my parents and let them know, and Kyla didn't have a cell phone. I decided instead to just head on home. Not to mention I was really looking forward to resting in my own comfortable bed alone.

The first half of the drive back was a bit scary and lonely. I tried not to pay attention to the closterphobic feel of the heavy woods on both sides of me. I turned on the radio and rolled down the windows to make sure I did stay awake.

A couple of songs later I was mostly out of the woods. In my headlights I saw the warning signs for the upcoming hill. Which had been nicknamed the "Hill of Death" and rightfully so. Dangerous, steep, and obviously given the name for being the cause of many deaths. I had just begun to speed up when I heard a loud pop.

Please go to Part 2. Don't forget to let me know what you think!

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