chapter 1

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Well just another day, life goes on I always hear. Everything left behind, it's sad, really thought she would be the one but life is rough. Just have to stay positive, she wasn't good for me anyways...

"Alex" the hoarse voice of my brother snapped me back into reality.

"Where do you always go" he asked.

"Just lose myself in thought that's all" I said shyly.

Here recently I've been a real mess, haven't been myself for awhile. I need to make some changes if I'll ever be happy. First off I need to focus on my schooling. But it's hard when people just give you dirty looks, and say crap about you.

I really regret ever talking to her, nothing but problems have came from it. Should had listen to my bro. Dammit I did it again, fuck. I can't keep doing this, I have to better myself.

"Alex I think you need to put yourself back out there, you need to find another girl bud" he said with a grin ear to ear.

"I know, but I have trust issues," damn he's right, I'm a fucking wreck. Well hopefully I get my act together and pull someone.

I headed out for a run trying to clear my thoughts. My anxiety hasn't been good either, every little thing works me up now. I'm broken, damn I hate this. Fucking self petty, I really need to do something about this. I lost myself in the scenery around my brothers complex, the warm, humid air of Florida filled my lungs. The palm trees, the smell of salt. It's a great place to be, I love it down here, might move here someday.

I continued to just run until I couldn't feel my legs anymore. After about 2 hours I sat down on the beach. My legs burning, I was pleased with myself I had accomplished something. I decided to take a dip, the salty water brushing across my body, pruning my flesh. The water being my savior, taking all the problems away.

As I just absorbed my surrounds I let the settle bird chirping, the constant sound of the waves breaking. I love it, it was soothing. Everything just floated away, the current pulling it all from my mind. I finally swam back to shore, and fell to the sandy beach. Just sat there watching the sun decent behind the horizon.

As I made my way back to my brothers, something caught my eye. A woman jogging, she had a particular glow to her in the dying light. She stood out, dammit I want to talk to her, but she's gorgeous and I'm well me...

Fuck it. I finally built enough courage to catch up to her.

"Hello, you mind if I jog with you," Dammit, what was that, my palms became clammy, sweat was trying to protrude my skin.

"If you can keep up," she giggled.

I didn't realize but a grin formed on my mouth. We must had been jogging for awhile because it was pitch black. She stopped for a moment to look at her phone, I did the same, holy I had 4 miss calls.

"Hey I didn't catch your name," she said smiling.

"Alex" I told her.

"Well my name is kaityln" the grin still on her face.

"Kaityln could I get your number"

"Sure, here it is," I plugged her digits into my phone.

"Well its getting late, I hope you text me later" the same smile still on her face.

"Sure will" damn what am I doing.

I jogged in a fast pace trying to get back to my brothers place. When I got home it was a quarter to 11, damn I was out for awhile. I just jolted up the stairs, and dived into the shower. The warm water splashing upon my face, every droplet refreshed me.

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