Memories are a pain.

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-Author's pov.-

Sarah turned, yanking her hand away from Eli. She reared her hand back and above her head slightly. The sound of skin meeting skin reverbated through the peer's docks, as everyone turned to see what made the sound. "Don't touch me traitor!" Sarah snapped and disappeared into a black cloud.

She reappeared in a peach tree she had found earlier. She knew her scent was untraceable when she used her shadow power. She reached up, pulling a peach free of it's spot, and began to eat it. She ate one more peach after, before falling asleep in said peach tree.

-Dream land-

Sarah sat in anticipation of her sister's fight, she was secretly holding hands with Eli, not that his dad noticed. Ragnarok was highly focused on his pregnant wife's chamber door. The fight hadn't started yet, nor was king Ravana in his seat. Sarah supposed he was trying to talk Alyss out of doing the competition. There was a fight currently going on, between two men. It was a hand-to-hand combat round. Sarah cheered for the losing fighter, since everyone else was cheering for the winning fighter. Sarah had found out in earlier weeks that she was able to do blood magic or blood wielding. Without moving her hands to much, the underdog, and losing fighter, suddenly was able to defend himself perfectly. blocking dodging, and counter fighting each of his opponents moves perfectly. Everyone seemed to stare in shock, but none of them knew why this little miracle seemed to happen.

Ravana plopped down next to Sarah, opposite of Eli. He paid no mind to the two children holding hands, his eyes were also focused on Alyss's chamber door. "Papa, who is she against?" Sarah asked, tugging gently on Ravana's shirt sleeve. "Panma.." He mumbled, without looking at her.

Sarah quickly used her shadow powers to wish her sister luck before her fight. Knowing her sister would win, considering she (sarah) always had watched her sister in fighting, and she always won. Even against Ragnarok, but Sarah thought Ragnarok always let Alyss win. Sarah giggled at her thoughts as she watched the final round hand-to-hand combat come to an end. Alyss would surely be next.

Alyss came out with Sin in his scythe form. Panma came out with a spear looking weapon. Sarah knew from previously watching panma fight with a spear. She was horrible. "Idiot.." Sarah thought silently to herself, watching the referee come out, with a microphone. "Ladies and Gentleman. The rules have changed. Considering that Lady Panma, And Princess Alyss have decided to do this battle." The referee announced that the rules were simple. it was an all out death match. Sarah wondered silently if Alyss was gonna kill her or toy with her.

The bell sounded, and as stated before. Panma was horrible with her spear. Sarah seen the slight cynical smirk on Alyss' face. 'Oh yeah, she's gonna toy with her.' Sarah thought watching Alyss dodge and barely miss with a counter attack, before dodging out of the way. Ragnarok kept watching, as did King Ravana. The two surely were wondering why Alyss didn't just kill her. Sarah smiled, using her blood magic she made Panma a little less sucky, she could tell Alyss was growing bored of the pathetic fighter.

Not a single person noticed Sarah was doing blood magic on Panma, and if anyone did. They would surely think she was plotting against her own sister. Which wasn't the case at all.

Alyss noticed Panma was a little better and figured Sarah was toying with Panma's strengths and powers. 'better to play with' Sarah's voice resonated into Alyss' head as she continued.

Sarah giggled, before she stopped and Alyss began to tear Panma to shreds. She smiled admiring the scent of the blood. Her natural vampiric instincts enjoyed the scent. But since she'd never had any blood, it didn't cause her to go into a blood rage. First round was given to Alyss.

Sarah tugged on King Ravana's arm, and whispered into his ear. "How many rounds are there? And who will fight her next?" Ravana bellowed out a chuckle at Sarah's inquisitive mind. He admired it about her, even if she did skip schooling to pull pranks. "My dear, there are about four rounds each. If there is a fifth round. it's to break a tie." He paused looking up to the board. "Also she'll be fighting a young Jefi. Jefi is a new fighter, so i hope she can stand her own. Perhaps she'd last more than one round." Sarah knew of a Jefi from when she did go to schooling. Jefi bullied her when she didn't know an answer or had to ask about a question. Sarah was definitely gonna make her lose. But perhaps only to the end of round three.

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