Part 19

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Alfred wasn't taking this well in any sense

"she is gone, she is gone, she can't be gone" alfred was whispering to himself "she can't leave me, no i won't allow it"

You had been gone for three days, and alfred was freaking out, he was pacing where is she" he felt a rage of anger in him before a light bulb exploded, he looked back at it

"she cannot be gone" alfred whimpered when he heard the door open, you appeared in the doorway

"{name]!" he yelled running up to you, you were struck with fear.

"STAY BACK ALFRED" you yelled he stopped in tracks, in fear of chasing you off

"b-but" he wanted to say "why"

"alfred you have got a lot of explaining to do" you said

"i know" he said

"so.... you're dead for one thing"

"yhea i am" alfred said silent filled the room

"well how are you still here" you broke the silence

"i would like to know that to" alfred said "look i'm sorry i lied to you ok, btu i knew if i told you, you would of ran away like you did"

"well what you of done i you realized you been hanging out with ghost" you said

"i would of ran to" alfred said in shame "i see but still you must really hate me don't you"

"what, i don't hate you, i'm just really confused and scared at the moment" you confessed, he seemed to perk up a bit

"but alfred how and why are you here" you said

"i really don't know, no one does"

"YOU MEAN THERE MORE!" you yelled

"yhea, it not just me"

'H-how many people have died in the house" you asked him

"to many, hundred mabey"

"WHAT!" you yelled "how"

"well some go in here for a prank and then don't come out" he said

"from what!" you asked

'the other spirts who have went bad" alfred said trailing off, you were terrified, alfred noticed this

"btu hey don't worry i know how to keep the bad spirits away" he said

"this is just to weird am i dreaming am i just having a bad dream, yhea that it, wake up, name" you said slapping your cheek,

"[name] stop" alfred said grabbing your hands away "look how scary this is for you, btu i'm still the same alfred you now"

"please let me go" you asked him, he did as he was told and let go of your wrist , you sat down on the cochu

"so you're dead, like dead, dead" you said

"well i haven't heard of any other type of dead" alfred said "but yhea i'm dead" then you passed out

You woke up in your bed

"oh thank god it was just a dream" you said giving a sigh of relief.

"no it wasn't" alfred said as he appeared right in front of you, you scream

"wait shh calm down please" alfred said you stopped scream,

"oh god, you're a ghost, you're, your"

"yes thanks for rubbing it in" alfred pouted

"i'm sorry but it just..."

"yes i am ghost we establish this" he said

"i'm sorry that you're dead" you said

"yeah it stinks" he said sitting next to you

"so how did you die, your mom gave a little bit, but how" you said, he stayed silent "oh sorry that must be a really sensitive topic for you"

"no,no it not that it just... kinda of a long story" he said

"well i got nowhere to be" you said  

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