Please be him

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December 6, 2015

8:00 AM

It has recently become ritual that I'm to be woken up in the morning by my best friend's screams followed her racing into my room to jump on my bed. Why? Well, Delilah believes that she's talking to the one and only Calum Hood from the band 5 Seconds of Summer. Now I obviously haven't texted him myself but for some reason she is positive that it's actually him. I've told her multiple times not to get her hopes up about this and she says she isn't but then 'he' texts her and she freaks out all over again. "TATI!!!" Speak of the devil and she shall appear, right? Quickly sitting up in my bed, I managed to tuck my legs under me before the tiny blonde came flying into my room and jumped onto my bed with her phone clasped in her hand. "What did Calum say now?" I teased, bringing the mop on my head called hair into a very messy bun. She sent me a dirty look before the grin took over her face again and she shoved her phone into my face. "He wants to facetime me!" She squealed, laying on her back then kicking her feet into the air. "Seriously?" I asked, surprised that 'Calum' had been the one to offer this option. But judging by the look on her face, that's not all she had wanted to say. "You want me to be there when you talk to him don't you?" A sheepish look came onto her face and she nodded making me laugh at her. "Fine but I don't want to be in the shot because I look terrible." "Tatiana! I'm not calling him now! I look disgusting." She groaned, smacking me with a pillow. "You do not, Delilah Rose Sinclair." I scolded, throwing the pillow back into her face. Sticking her tongue out at me in response, I watched her prance out of my room back into her own then music started blasting.

8:45 AM

"I cannot believe you used up all the fucking hot water." There definitely some pros and cons when you're living with your best friend. "I'm sorry! I didn't know it was possible!" Delilah has always loved to take really long showers and her parents constantly scolded her for it. Now that we had moved into our own flat, she had gotten good at taking quick showers. You'd think that someone wouldn't be able to use up all the hot water in the flat, right? Well, Delilah proved today that it was possible. I knew exactly why she had done it so I didn't get to mad at her since she did make up for it by going to Starbucks to getting me my favorite latte and a bagel. Taking a sip of my latte, I sat down at the end of her bed as she finished straightening her hair. "Why are you getting so dolled up?" I of course already knew the answer to that question.  "I told Calum we could facetime today so he's calling in a little while." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world and I sighed. "He probably won't care if you're perfectly done, Del. Who knows he might decided to text you and call off the whole thing." I scolded, muttering my last sentence hoping she wouldn't catch it and get upset. "Tati." She pouted, looking at me through her mirror but thankfully she wasn't too upset about my words. "I know, I know, Delilah.  You really fancy the lad but I don't want you to get hurt in the end." With those words, I got up from her bed and headed into the living room to watch Netflix on the tv instead of dealing with my laptop screen. "Please let it be Calum." I muttered to myself as I decided on Criminal Minds and settled in to watch my favorite show

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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