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wait what did he really expect me to believe this bullshit vampires are not even real this has got to be sown fucked up dream I'm having but why am I not waking up? I've decided thats it I want to wake up now the emotions inside are welling up and it feels as though Gerard was doing this for some sick thrill. I shook my head in disgust "your a fucking lier Gerard you sick bastard why ate you doing his havnt you put me through enough pain and suffering yet?"

" if you won't believe me then have a look for your fucking self." Gerard spat throwing a antique looking hand mirror towards me I flintched and tryee to catch it before it hot me and to my suprise my movement had been quick and clean what the hell I looked into the mirror and I was horrified at what I saw. my skin was a deadly white colour with a blue tint to it I was covered in blood mostly dry and then I saw my hungry blood red eyes "Gerard what the fuck man?"


for the first time ever I. couldn't read the expression on his face I couldn't tell if he was angry sad happy or what and it scared ne a little this wasn't like him he always over reacted to everything like when we was kids when I got ill had sit crying thinking that I was dyeing just the memory brought a slight chuckle to my lips frank glared over at me "what's to laugh about I could do with a laugh right now" he said deadly serious I stood like a startled rabbit not knowing what I was waiting for them reality kicked in and I reminded him of the memory. his gave seemed to relax a little like he was happy bit it didn't last long before he was stood glaring at me again I didn't know what to do or say so I just looked back at hin. Frank took a few steps forward towards me I could feel his chilled breath that he was only doing out of habbit he didb t need oxygon now he was a part of the living dead....he looked up at me so our gazed locked the pushed his ice cold lips against my own the kiss didn't last long until he pulled away and whisper "I've missed you Gee"


Hey killjoys this story still has got a long way to go if you any suggestions feel free to message me stalk my Twitter @killjoy_jess1 and il update as soon as I can

love you all Gerardsgirl xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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