Operation family

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[Time Skip by a month]

[POV of Giriboy]

"See she's doing good for herself, I'm proud," Giri said.

"You have to tell her soon, I'm dying. Tell her soon," An old frail lady was say

~Convo between Chul and Minhee

M: Chul, its 12 at night, why are you up. You've been drinking?

C: Christmas is soon, the worst time of my life.

M: Come talk to me. Put the drink down

C: (sighs and complies)

M: Now tell Mama Minhee what's going on.

C: Christmas is just soaked in bad memories

[Flashback/Story Time]

Chul @ 5 years old:

I was very short and frail with long black hair and covered up bruises. I was coming home from school with a boy maybe a year two older than me at the time.

"Were home-..... APPA WHAT ARE YOU DOING! "

"She's not your omma anymore, she is a wh*** and that is not your brother."

"Yes he is, your drunk again aren't you? "

He tossed my mom to the said and beat me unconscious. When I woke up my brother and omma was gone. Blood stained the floor. I was confused but I ended being unconscious again. I never seen them again.

~Age 15

I met Kwon by then. I was a good student with a bad temper. Leon was my only friend even though his parent didn't really like me. My dad was forcing me todate a horrid person. He wanted me to marry him to. It was another Christmas and I was tired of my dad. I upset him on purpose so I could say the murder was out of self defense. I thought with him gone the engagement would be over.

~Age 17

By then I ran the streets started my own gang but I never gave up school. Kwon begging me to give up this life and I really wanted to. So, I told to the girls in the group and left somebody in charge. On Christmas day it was almost all over.

He was drunk.

"You know, I'm almost a man. And men do manly things. I want my gift early this year."

"Look I don't know what your talking about but we're done, I'm not doing this anymore."

He throw a vase past me.

"You think I care about you?
I just want something else."

"You want.... No never!"

He tried pinning me down but I stabbed him in the shoulder and next thing you know the police pulled up. Kwon called following the plan. After that I ran away with Kwon by my side. He gave me the courage to audition for Pink and as I trained I studied. I took this huge collage
test and pasted. That's how I got my degree by 19. As for him, he's in jail, for now.

M: Wow...... Well, I don't have a family either,  if that somehow makes you feel better.

C: I don't wanna talk anymore, I'm going out.

Chul got up and walked out the door.

Minhee: (sighs) what can I don't to make her smile?

[Next Day]

~Chul's Twitter

EmpressChul: Going to the doctors so they can take a sample of my blood for DNA testing. I want to find my family so please come to Seoul hospital. BTW if you plan to come for  selfish reasons don't come.

Zico: I'm pretty sure you'll find them now

Chul: I hope, anyways let's go.

[POV of Pink]

Yuri: you see the post Chul made guys?

Jess: Yeah this is huge

Minhee: Come on we gotta go support her.

Rem: I'll go start the car. Call the guys too.

[Seoul Hospital]

"So you were gonna tell us, " Yuri asked.

"I made a post."

"It maybe a one in a million chance but we decided to get tested too," Minhee said.

"Maybe you should test Zico, "
Rem said joking.

"Hey we're here," Jeonghan said (please tell me if I spent his name wrong)

"We decided to get tested too," Vernon smiled brightly.

"Thanks guys."

"Oh yeah, the other Oppas like BTS and Got7 are rising awareness, along with BigBang, " Yuri said.

"I'm starting to get emotional guys.  Thank you so much."

"It was basically all Minhee's idea, " Rem said.

Chul threw herself towards Minhee.

"Ms. Chung-Hee, time for your shot," the nurse said.

"Alright I'll be back."

Chul disappears along with nurse.

"Zico, what are you doing just standing here," Yuri asked.

"Waiting for her to come back."

"Uh you should go in there with her,"
Rem said.

"Yeah, she really paranoid about needles," Jess adds on.

In the background you can hear Chul cursing and flipping out.

"You should hurry," said Minhee."

~25 mins. later

Giriboy had came around the time Chul was getting her shot. He said he something really important to say to Chul. When Chul came out she was slung over Zico's shoulder.

"They had to drug her so she'll be loopy for a while."

"Oh, um well, Giriboy is here. He said he something important to tell Chul," Jess said.

"Like what," Zico asked sternly glaring at him.

"Oh, yeah. I'm here to tell Chul I'm her brother."

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