Love is dead

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It was a dreary Monday morning like any other day. School was the same, I walk the halls in silence while the other kids threw stuff at me and called me names. I didn't eat lunch and I didn't have friends. The bus rides were just as bad, I would always try to sit near the front but they all found a way to torment me. I walked off the bus hearing the kids shout all these different curse words at me. I wanted to take the long way through the woods, when I was younger I use to do that so I could think. Sometimes I use to stop by the small pond and read or do my homework. Times were easier with mom around. We had her buried under the willow tree by the same pond. Sometimes now I just sit and talk to her headstone, she was murdered in her sleep when I was just 12. That was almost 6 years ago. It took me about twenty minutes longer to get home. When I did get home I saw my father's car and panicked. My father was a heavy drinker since my mother died, he would also abuse me and my younger brother. When I walked into the house my father came into the room.

"Where have you been you're late!!!" He shouted in a drunken slur from the couch

"I'm sorry Dad, the bus was late"

"Whatever, Now get into the kitchen and start making dinner!!!"

I hated that man, he always yells at me. All he ever does is sit on his ass and drink beer.

My brother ran downstairs and hugged me, "Your home!!"

"Hey Little guy, I need to make dinner so I'll play with you later, ok?"

"OK Jenna"

I would always spend what felt like years just to make a simple boxed meal. My father always spends the money he gets on beer so he always makes me go out and buy the cheapest boxed meals. I never eat that stuff.


Its been about a month now, school has been the same and I'm always home late. When I walked in the house my little brother ran up to me like he always did, but this time he bumped into the table knocking over some of our father's empty beer glasses. I panicked and yelled.

"Go to your room I'll come up later."

"OK, I'm sorry about the glass."

Joey ran up to his room quickly because he knew what was going to happen.

"What was that!? Did you knock over my beer!?" My father slurred while walking into the room. "You stupid bitch, clean it up!"

When I tried cleaning the shards I cut my hands. My father got mad that I wasn't cleaning fast enough so he took one of the shards and stabbed me in the side. I screamed out and fell on my other side. I clutched my side while bleeding, I tried to keep my strength but I was in a daze.

I woke up to my brother screaming for help. I jumped up with what strength I had and ran to his room. In the doorway, I saw my dad holding Joey by the neck against the wall. He was crying and pleading but all our dad did was hold a knife up.

"You were the reason Ashleen died!! You worthless fuckin child!!"

"Daddy! NO, Please. Jenna! HE-" Before I knew it my brother was choking on his own blood. Our father threw him to the ground and looked at me.

"Now you, bitch"

I stumbled and ran downstairs to find a weapon, I couldn't stop thinking about the pain and the bleeding. I went straight for the kitchen and found the sharpest knife in the block. That's when my lame excuse for a father came in. I ducked into the pantry until he walked by. I jumped out and stabbed him in the leg, causing him to stumble down in pain. I took my knife out of his leg and plunged it into his back.

~Love is Dead, Daddy~

Someone was clapping from the other side of the room "Nice moves"

I looked around "Who's there? Show yourself!"

Then from the shadows of the living room, I saw a man's silhouette. As he stepped closer I noticed he was a young man. He wore a blue mask with what looked like black tear stains from the eyes. His outfit wasn't as strange, it was a basic navy blue jacket with black skinny jeans.

"Who are you?"

"I am Jack, Eyeless Jack" I couldn't believe my eyes. After what I've read.

"What are you staring at!?" He shouted it was felt like a demonic voice

"Sorry I didn't mean to stare at you, It's... it's just I didn't think you were real."

"Well that's what they all say, but you're coming with me."

"What? Why!?"

"Goodnight and bad dreams beautiful"

Before I knew it he grabbed my arms with one hand and he knocked me out with something in his other hand.

When I woke up the room was very dark. I was in a bed because I could feel the blankets on top of me. I tried to move but something was holding me in place. I looked to see a male, he had a cute expression on his sleeping face.

"Jenna, Go back to sleep" I froze because the voice sounded like Jacks.

"Jack, is that you?"

"Good morning to you, now go back to sleep. We have to see Slender later."

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