Banished By My Mate Chapter 4

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Banished By My Mate Chapter 4

(not edited)

I couldn't deal with this! I have practiced in my head so many times about what I would say if I ever saw them again but when I was near both of them I couldn't concentrate, their scent was intoxicating and my wolf was being a slut.

Yes she finally came back. I guess being near her mates helped bring her out of her depressed state.

I let everyone know that I was going home. When I got there I took a shower and laid down it took me hours to fall asleep.

I heard the door bell and looked at the clock 9am, whoever is at the door is a dead person.

"Hold on dammit!" I swung the door open ready to curse but couldn't form any words. My mates stood there shirtless with only basketball shorts on. I scowled at them when they smirked at me, those idiots saw me checking them out.

"What!" I yelled.

"That's no way to talk to your new neighbors and bosses." What the hell are they going on about?

"What do you mean neighbors? Those houses are empty."

"Not anymore." Damien said while flashing me a breath taking smile.

"Yeah did you honestly think that we would leave after finding you?"

"Yes I did, I don't want you here." I said pouting. I probably looked like a child but I didn't care, I wanted them gone.

"Too bad babe, we're staying as long as you do." I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Stupid mates." I mumbled.

"I heard that." Damon said.

"What do you want?" I finally asked.

"To tell you that we're having a meeting later on today and you're invited."

"Why would I come to a meeting where everyone hates me?" Damon growled.

"No one hates you and if they give you any trouble let us know."

"I'm not coming. I need to rest before work." I said while trying to close the door.

"Move Damien I'm not in the mood." They should have gotten the hint, I'm not a morning person.

"I was just going to tell you that you didn't need to come in. We bought the place from Tom, it's closed for renovations." I rolled my eyes and tried to close the door again. I didn't have time for this I had a hangover and needed to sleep.

"Move Damon." God he's so annoying. First they interrupt my sleep then take my job away. I was 2 seconds away from hitting him.

"Just wanted to tell you that you look hot in that night gown." I looked down and remembered I forgot to put on my robe. I blushed when I saw their eyes darkening.

"Ugh you pervs!" I said before slamming the door. I glared at nothing when I heard them laughing. Stupid perverted mates.

You like it. My wolf teased.

Whatever . I went to get more sleep, grateful that I didn't have to work.

It was late when I woke up I was glad I didn't have a headache. I went around the house looking for Caine, where the hell was he? I needed someone to yell at. I fixed me something to eat and watched TV. The Big Bang Theory was on, god I love Sheldon he always makes me laugh.

I heard my phone ring and went to get  a it off the charger. Frowning because it wasn't there. Where the hell is it? I searched for my phone. Oh that's right, Damon and Damien wouldn't stop calling so I got pissed and threw it away.

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