School's out

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The bell rang. The last bell. Of the last hour. I don't know if he meant it. Maybe...

I push the schooldoors open and walk out the school. I plug my earphones in my phone and a Nirvana song blasts into my ears. I swing my bookbag onto my bike and strap it on. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey princess, let's have some coffee" I turn around and look him in his eyes. He smiles and raises his eyebrows. "Well? You in?" I glance at my bookbag. "Uhhm well I have  a lot of homework, and I'm sure my mom doesn't want me to come home late." His smile fades and he scrunches his nose. "Well that's no fun. Well can I at least text you or something? I don't really have anything planned for today, but I'm sure that if you give me your number I won't be that bored" He somes a little closer to my face while biting his lip. "At least, I hope."

I enter the living room and throw my bookbag on the floor. The 'thump' wakes up my cat, Marley, and he shoots me a glare fit to kill a 1000 men. "Mom! Are you home?" No answer. I walk towards the kitchen and open up my laptop which was sitting on the counter. No new notifications. I decide to do some online shopping, because there's nothing really productive I could be doing now anyway. Suddenly a notcification pops up starteling the hell out of me. a message from Aiden:

Hey baby doll.

Send me a message when you're done with your schoolwork


I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. A date with Aiden would be out of this world exciting, but I also have this deep dark fear that I'm going to make a fool out of myself and that he'll never wants to see me again. I inhale slowly. I exhale slowly. What to do, what to do. I decide that since there is nothing in this house that could happen that's going to make my day even remotely entertaining, I might just as well go. So I message him:

Go to The Coffee Bean in 20 minutes and I'll be there


The Coffee Bean is my favourite coffee place ever. I've never taken anyone to The Coffee Bean. But this boy... He's special. I don't mind drinking coffee together with him.

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