"Brooke, can you please show our guests their room? They can sleep in your brother's room or the guestroom.",tells Brooke's mum her daughter and disappears in the direction of the kitchen. "Alright, boys. Follow me." My girlfriend and maybe future wife goes upstairs. Harry looks at her ass way too long."Don't you dare, Harry.", I hiss and follow Niall and Louis who are already upstairs. "Why do you always get the hot ones, Payne?"Harry grins and follows me. "One person can sleep in this room. The bed in my other brother's room is bigger than this one." "I am not going to sleep with Niall in one bed. He talks in his sleep and always punches me.", Harry complains. "Yes, that's right.",Louis confirms. "I guess it's clear. Niall is going to sleep in this room and Louis and Harry are going to take the guestroom in the attic. I'll show you.", she says and takes Louis and Harry with her. Niall sits down on the bed. "Can you sleep with me here tonight? Please.", he asks quietly. "No, you know that I will sleep in Brooke's bed tonight.", I answer. "Can I sleep in her bed, too?" "No, Niall, you can't." Niall looks at me pleadingly. "Why not?" I sigh. "Listen, Niall. I want to pop the question tonight, alright? And I don't want a little Niall in my bed after I asked her to marry me because...you know....we haven't seen each other for a while now...I think you got it." He looks at me in a strange way. "I know that you haven't seen her for a while,but what does that have to do with me?" He acts like a child. "Ugh,forget it, Niall. You're going to sleep here and I'm going to sleep in Brooke's room." I stand up and go to Brooke's room. A few minutes later someone knocks at the door. "Babe? It's me." I hear Brooke's voice rom the other side of the door. "Come in, Brooke.It's your room, so you really don't have to knock on the door." She smiles at me softly. "Of course I do. It's an act of politeness.",she instructs me. I laugh and pull her on my lap. "Have I told you that I missed you terribly?", I whisper. "Oh, yes, about one hundred times when we sat in the car." She kisses me and I put my arms around her. Brooke lays her forehead against mine and I look in her eyes. Only two hours left until I will have one of the most beautiful moments in my life. My hand runs to the pocket of my suitcoat and touches the soft material of the little box which contains the ring. "What are you looking for?" Brooke disrupts our kiss and looks at me. "Nothing...I was just looking for my keys." She raises her eyebrow. "You took your keys with you on tour?" "Yes,of course. I always do." Im glad Louis and Harry interrupt our conversation by tear opening the door. "Brooke? Liam? Get dressed the dinner is ready." They take a closer look at us. "Harry,you're such a slob, they aren't naked." Louis gives Harry a soft blow on the head. "I bet they were about to get naked.", Harry defends himself. "No, we weren't.", I answer and take Brooke's hand. "Let's go downstairs, love." She smiles and we go down the stairs to have dinner with her family. The dinner tastes very welland I'm really overwhelmed by Brooke's mum's cooking skills. "Mrs Neumann, the Christmas dinner was pretty amazing.", I tell her.Harry, Niall and Louis nod, while they're chewing. Brooke's mum blushes. "Please, Liam, you're a part of our family. Just call me Julie." If she only knew that she's right. In about two hours I want to pop the question to Brooke. "Nice to meet you, Julie." I smile at her politely and kiss the back of her hand. "I'm Christian.", Brooke's father shakes my hand. He looks around one."It's the same for you, Niall, Louis and Harry." He smiles softly and the boys shake his hand politely. Brooke touches my hand.I take a short look at her, but she's looking at her parents and ourfriends. After I kissed her cheek, I take her hand in mine and she turns around to smile at me. They all start to talk but I'm not able to focus on the conversation 'cause I'm way too nervous. As Brooke stands up, I look around. Julie and Brooke clear the table and go tothe kitchen. Before I'm going to ask Brooke whether she wants to marry me, I have to ask Christian for Brooke's hand. I gesture significantly to signalize the lads that I want to be alone with Christian. Harry and Niall shrug their shoulders and look at me confused, but Louis understands me. "Come on, guys. Let's help the girls in the kitchen." He pushes them to the kitchen and closes the door behind them. "Christian? May I ask you something?" He settles back. "Of course, son." I don't know what to say. "You know... Brooke and I have been together for over a year now. As a matter of fact 19 months and 27 days.", I begin. "And do you still love her?", he says with his harsh voice. "More than my life.", I answer faithfully, "I know, she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." He raises his eyebrows and I almost have to laugh, cause he looks the same as Brooke. "You want to marry her?" I nod. "Yes, I'm going to ask her later, but before I could do that, I need to hear what you think about it.""Are you sure that you want to know it?" "I'm absolutely sure.""May I ask why? I mean, if you love her, you don't have to care about my opinion or the one of the other people." Christian's face makes me nervous. Alright, keep calm, Liam. Just show him that you're absolutely sure about your decision. "I know what her family means to her. I just want her to be happy. I don't want to be the reason of a fight between you and her.", I say slowly and look straight into Christian's eyes. He nods. "So I'm going to tell you what I think about you." He groans dramatically before he continues: "Liam,you're on the road very often. Maybe you won't have enough time for your family and your career. You sometimes drink too much. You like clubbing. You meet very attractive women. You have a lot of tattoos.I didn't imagine my daughter's future husband like that, to be honest." He stops and I look down on my shoes. He doesn't like me.He doesn't want his daughter to marry me. Christian puts his hand on my shoulder. "There might be another man who can be next to her 24/7, but I remember the sparkle in her eyes every time she's talking about you. You want to know what I'm actually thinking about you two?I think, you're the perfect match. You make her happy and that is the only important thing to me." He hugs me. "T-Thank you, Christian.I promise, I will make her the happiest woman in the whole wide world.", I promise him. "I know that you'll give your best, Liam.And now, let's go to the living room. It's time for the presents.""Presents on Christmas Eve?" "Yes, it's a bit different in Germany than in the UK. We get our presents on Christmas Eve." I shrug my shoulder and return to my hopefully future wife who sits with her mum and my friends in the living room.
Christmas on detours [One Direction/Liam Payne]
FanficCandles, music, love and happiness everywhere - Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year. A time, we want to spent with the peope we love. Liam also comes home for Christmas to celebrate with his girlfriend, Brooke, and her family....that i...