My New Siblings

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Chapter 1

Izzy's POV

"You're going to have a brother and a sister!" My dad said.

"You mean we are moving to Cheshire, England. So you can marry a woman you've known for five months?" I asked.

"She has a son your age and a daughter two years older." He replied.

"I don't know these people!" I shrieked.

"You will get along with them just fine Iz."

"When do we leave?" I grumbled.

"In three days. You have that long to pack, say your goodbyes to your friends and do you final things in the United States."

"Ugh!" I stomped up to my room. I called up my best friend, Mikayla.

"Hey Iz Fiz!" She exclaimed into the phone.

"Hey Mikayla."

"Something's wrong. You didn't call me Micky Mouse."

"I'm moving."



"What?!" She screamed.

"Yeah. My dad is getting married to the woman he has known for literally five months."

"Does she have kids?" Mikayla asked.

"A son my age and a daughter two years older."

"Maybe your brother-to-be has some cute British friends!"

"I'm not looking for a relationship."

"I'm just trying to get you to look at the bright side!"

"I know. Thanks, Mick."

"Do you want help to pack?"

"Yeah. Come by tomorrow?"

"Of course."

"Okay. See you tomorrow."

"Bye! Izzy bear!"

"Bye Mick fish." I hung up the phone and opened my Instagram app on my iPod. The first picture was of Mikayla making a sad face. The caption said "My best friend is moving!! My Izzzz Fizzzz is moving!! I will miss you Izzy Bear!!! More than humanly possible!!!" It brought tears to my eyes. I was going to miss Mikayla so much.

I commented on the picture. I said "I'm going to miss you too, Micky Mouse!! You best be calling my everyday!!!" Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I didn't want to move! I liked North Carolina!

I was sobbing into my pillow when someone knocked on my door.

"What?" I asked wiping the tears.

"Can I come in Iz?" My dad asked.

"I guess." I grumbled. The door opened and in came my dad. He sat down on the edge of my bed. I laid on my side hugging a pillow. He rubbed my back gently.

"I know you don't wanna move, but I promise, you will like Gemma and Harry."

"Who?" I asked sitting up.

"Gemma and Harry are Anne's kids. Harry is your age." He explained. Gemma was a cool name.

"I'll give them a chance, but I don't promise I'll like them." I said.

"Please? Just get along with them?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'll try." I sighed. I started laughing when my dad grabbed my bare foot and tickled just under my toes.

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