Blondes Are Stupid

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This is where im gonna be writing about various stereotypes!

Stereotype #1: Blondes are stupid.

Blondes are not stupid. Maybe you think that the Blonde you see everyday that fails all her classes is an idiot. Who knows she may be, but you don't know the what-if's! Maybe she doesn't want people to know just how smart she truly is. Maybe she has a mental problem, and you making fun of her for it is only going to make her stop trying. Maybe she has other things going on in her life that catches all of her attention. You just don't know!

Why don't you stop trying to act like you're all that, and put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel if several times a day you were called stupid and everyone is constantly putting you down? You wouldn't like it! You might say that you don't care about what other people think about you, but you do care. That's why you're always putting blondes down. You may tell yourself you don't care, but you don't understand how ANNOYING it gets when people are constantly calling you stupid! Eventually, it just gets to you. 

In reality, most blondes are actually really smart. Believe it or not, but those blondes you see in class that make A's and B's DON'T even try. Why should a hair color say that you're smart or that you're stupid?

Think about this: If being a Blonde so bad, then why is everyone dying their hair blonde and getting blonde highlights?

You know what I see when a fake blonde makes fum of ME for being blonde? I see the Green Jealousy Monster! I'm sorry if my hair is naturally pretty and yours isn't, but just get over it!

 Albert Einstein, one of the smartest people ever, had Blonde hair as a child and when he was in college. So if you're saying that all blondes are stupid then what about Einstein? Was he stupid?

 What I hate more than anything is when ever someone doesn't understand something, as soon as it's explained to them they say, "Oops I had a dumb blonde moment!"

That's so INFURIATING!!! 

No one knows everything, and everyone has questions. Whether they voice them or not they do! Maybe the blondes you personally know are just braver than you. The truth is people are afraid. They're afraid of what people think, and so they try to act a certain way to impress people.

So Don't be an idiot, and think about this the next time you say:

"All blondes are stupid!"


So that's part one of Stereotypes if you want me to do a certain stereotype just message me and I'll consider doing it.

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