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"I brought someone with me."

When Amber said that, Sica squint her eyes at Amber. Krystal had her eyes at her sister. Amber pull Yul's hand showing her to the rest of them. Sica stand up and immediately ran to hug her. She literally threw herself on Yuri's body. When they hug, Sica instantly started crying on Yul's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Yul. Please don't leave me again. I promise not scold you again. I don't want to lose you." Sica mutters under her breath. Yul had her hands around Sica, she felt relief when Sica hug her. She pull away and held Sica's cheek and wipe her tears.

"No, I'm the one who needs to apologize. I'm sorry, I won't leave you again. I promise." Sica nod and let go of Yul, so the other can talk to her while she goes to Krystal who was standing with Amber at the side watching them. They all sat down on the dining table.

Sica sat beside Yul while holding her hand as the the others were talking to Yul. Suddenly, Soo walk down the stairs with her eyes lock on Yul, "Yul?" She jog towards Yul and hug her. On the other side, when Sica saw Soo walking down the stairs, she let go of Yuri's hand and look away, avoiding Soo eyes.

Amber, Krystal, Tiffany and Taeyeon who knew about it also had their heads down when Soo and Yul hug each other. They pity Soo, because she have to act like she doesn't like Sica in front of Yul.

Soo sat beside Fany on the dining table with them, opposite Sica. The all didn't talk much when Soo came down.


I'm glad that Yul is back in this house with us, with Sica. I'm sitting opposite her, I watch the way she look at Yul, they she laugh in front of Yul, everything is back as how she was the old times. I smile as I watch her act that way because when she's happy, I'm happy.

Fany suddenly held my hand and showed me a weak smile as she saw me watching Sica. "I'm fine," I whispered into her ears, just as loud for her to hear. She nods and let go of my hand.

While they were talking among themselves, suddenly Krys and Amber stand up. "I'm going to bed." Krystal said as she push the chair in.

"Me too." Amber grin at us and followed Krystal up the stairs.

"Erm, me too. I've got work tomorrow morning." I smile, pat Yul's shoulder then walk up the stairs.

End of POV

Amber and Krystal went to their rooms separately, they wash themselves and got ready for bed.

After changing into sleepwear wear, Amber went to Soo's room to check on her if she is okay. When she turn the doorknob, she saw Krystal, Taeyeon and Tiffany sitting on the floor with Soo.

"Wow, didn't expect you guys here.." She said as she pull her short shorts trying to make them little longer. They all smile at her as she join in the circle.

"We are here to check on her." Tae said as she pointed at Soo who had a weak smile on her face.

"So am I." Amber said. So then let out a small laugh.

"Chill guys, I'm totally fine. You guys don't have to worry about me. I've been doing these for years." Soo said with a weak laugh. Everyone look down and just nod, knowing that they can't do anything to change the situation.

"Sorry that we can't do anything." Fany said as grab Soo's hand. Soo shake her head, denying what Fany said.

"There's nothing that you guys should do. As long as she's happy, I'm happy." Soo said, she couldn't hide the tears that was in her eyes.

The door suddenly swung open, revealing Sica breathing heavily. She look at them, "can you guys let me talk to Soo, just for awhile." They all nod and leave the room. Leaving Soo and Sica alone in the room. Soo stand up as they left.

"What are you doing? You shouldn't be here, where's yul?" Soo said panicking because she didn't know how to react.

"Why can't I be here? Friends can't visit each other?" Sica asked raising her eyebrows at Soo.

"Straight to the point, why are you here?" Soo said as she turn her back at Soo. Which shock Sica, because she have never see this side of Soo before.

"I came to apologize, I didn't know she come back." Sica said, walking closer to Soo. Soo turn with a frown.

"You don't have to apologize, there's nothing wrong. She's back now, you should be happy. Don't think of me, I'll be fine." Soo said, trying her very best to smile at Sica.

"Promise me that you wouldn't act differently, in front of Yul. And please, move on from me okay. I don't want to hurt you." Sica said as she look down on the floor. Soo grab her chin gently and face her.

"You are not hurting me. In fact looking at you happy, makes me two times happier than you. Don't expect me to move on from you, because I'm willing to wait." Soo said with a smile on her face.

"No Soo. I'm sorry, but its always been Yul. You can find someone better than me, you don't have to wait." Sica said holding Soo's hand.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to break up with Yul. And you can't tell me to stop loving you, because I can't." Soo said. Sica couldn't help but tear up, knowing that she was hurting Soo all this while. Soo immediately pull Sica into a hug, she wrap her arm around Sica's shoulder as Sica's wrap around her waist.

Amber POV

I went to my bedroom and roll on the bed, feeling restless. It's been quite long since I last drink. Maybe I should get one. I hop off the bed and change jeans, and a jacket, I put on some kicks then took my helmet, phone and wallet and left the room.

I walk down the hallway then I stop, I turn to my right. It's Krystal's room. I smile at myself and knock on her door. No answer. I decided to just walk in because I didn't want to wake the others. When I walk in, a pillow is thrown right in my face. Wow, great aiming skills.

"What was that for?" I pick up the pillow and throw it back at her. She was lying on the bed with shorts and a thin sleeveless. Oh.

"Where are you sneaking out?" Krystal asked as she look at my clothes. I sat on the bed with the helmet on my lap.

"Erm, yeah. I want to go back to my house, to take some stuff. Can you accompany me?" Amber ask as she scratch her back of her neck.

Krystal had her eyes on Amber thinking if she should follow of not, "Hmm, okay. Since I'm still not sleepy." Krystal said while she gets up and walk towards the wardrobe.

"I'll head downstairs. Meet you at the garage, don't forget your helmet." Amber said as she saw Krystal looking at her while hold her clothes, asking her to leave with just a simple glare. Jung's eyes can talk.

Amber close the door beside her and literally jump in happiness. "What wrong with you?" She turn back and saw Taeyeon in front of her room looking at Amber with a frown. Amber giggle and shake her head while head down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Taeyeon ask as she walk down with Amber.

"Out." Amber said with a wide smile on her face.

"With Krystal? Right?" Amber turn her head at Tae and smirk, Tae smile and brofist Amber.

"Why are you out?" Amber ask Tae.

"My girlfriend is thirsty and I'm doing my job as a good girlfriend." Tae smile at Amber while Amber made a disgust face.

"Don't bring her home late, or her sister will kill you." Tae said as she wink at Amber then head to the kitchen. Amber let out a small laugh.

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