1 and probably last chapter

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''Clarke!' Bellamy comes running my way in his guard uniform, he has always been like a brother to me, even through tough times. Even though I'm an only child I feel like he's the best brother someone could have.. And I won't let anyone take him away from me, he's the only family I got left.. my dad got executed and my mom took an overdose. Bellamy brings me in on a warm and big hug like he always does when he sees me. 'Bellamy' I smile because I know now I'm safe from the evil shadows that haunt me every day and night, especially at night.. Bellamy always knew what I would have to go through every day, that's why he stayed positive the day his mother got executed for having to steal medicine for him. 'So where are you going, princess?' He asks looking down at me 'No special place.. I just decided to take a morning walk and look at the sun warming up earth' I smile and hug him harder 'Mind if I join you princess?' He smirks at me ' Sure Bellamy, why not.' I laugh at him, not because he's that funny it's just his warmth and smile that makes me happy and I have to laugh for myself for how lucky I am to end up like this with this wonderful human being.

'Why do you guys call me princess?' I ask looking out the window of the space station 'I really don't know, princess. It just suits you.' I look up at him a little before we start walking again. Not walking many steps before we start to hear laughter in the distance 'Keep close to me.' He says. I take a hold of his arm and go a little behind Bellamy 'Oh, look who it is! Two little dipshits!' He laughs 'Let us pass' Bellamy said with a strict voice 'Why should I? you both were mistakes why take another step when you can just cut your throats? Right here, right now?' Murphy has always had a mark on me that I'm useless, and since Bellamy always protects me, he's been marked too. 'Quit it Murphy, just let us pass.' Bellamy pulls me closer and starts walking towards them 'ap ap ap... Not so fast' Murphy smiles before giving Bellamy a hit. 'Now for you little princess..' He starts walking my way but Bellamy had gotten a hold of his ankle 'Let me go, you piece of shit!' He yells at Bellamy before he kicks him in the face. ' Now then.' He smiles 'Why would you hurt us? What have we ever done to you?' I ask desperately. 'Nah you just annoy me..' 'That's your reason?! Are you stupid?!' I regret what I said a second after the words came out of my mouth ' Talking about stupid..' Murphy takes me by the neck and pins me up against the wall. 'You want to talk shit huh?!' He slams his hand into the wall beside my head. I can see my other friend/ ''brother'' behind Bellamy 'Finn!!' I yell at him 'Do you want a round too?!' Murphy says looking at him 'No.' Finn answers 'Help me! I always helped you when you had fights with Raven!' I yell at him but he just starts walking away. 'I hate you! Never come back into my life!' I continue yelling until he's out of sight. 'See? Everybody hates you.' Murphy comments 'so what's the meaning of living?' he says playing with my hair 'You're right..' I say wondering 'I'm always right, princess' He smirks at me 'No why am I listening to you?! You're just trying to make me kill myself so you get to ruin someone else's lives!' I yell at him. He tightens his grip around my throat 'you're a smart one aren't you?' He says slamming me like a doll against the wall multiple times 'Don't you touch her!' Bellamy comes up and pulls him away from me. 'How dare you touch me you poor scum!' Murphy was from the rich part of the space station, so to be touched by someone who has to make a living out of being a guard is terrible for people like him. 'Don't you ever! Touch! Her! Again!' Bellamy screams in his face. 'Fine! Fine I'll never touch her again..' This is the first time I've seen Murphy scared of somebody. I'm still holding my hands around my neck because of the pain. Bellamy gives Murphy a last punch before he garbs me and hurries down the corridor. 'You'll get in real trouble now, Bellamy. You know that, right?' I ask. 'It was worth taking the risk.' He smiles at me like he always do.. Like nothing has happened and nothing is about to happen. We finally came to his room and ran inside 'I just want you to know you'll never be alone, and I will always be by your side!' He says hugging me then someone knocked the door 'Bellamy Blake you're under arrest for harming John Murphy.' Some guards say from outside the door 'It's not fair he was protecting me from Murphy, he punched and kicked Bellamy and strangled me!' I yell out 'it's ok, it'll be ok, Clarke.' He smiles 'No it won't you're over 18, they'll execute you!' I cry 'Like hell I'm not going down with a fight' 'No Bellamy, let's use the dropships and land on earth, after my dad's tests we would be able to live there, our blood has produced radiation, the same as on earth! We will be able to survive! I will not let you die!' I whisper 'I have taken many risks in my life but this risk I will not take.' He says 'No Bellamy please!' I beg 'I love you, Clarke. May we meet again.' He pulls me out of the hug and walks to the door. He opens it and raises his hands above his head 'No spare him, he did it to save me!' I scream crying after them...

I was on my knees, bawling my eyes out on the metal floor when I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn my head to see Finn 'I'm sorry I couldn't do anything..' He begins 'Finn you could've saved me AND Bellamy! We could've all three gone down to earth togheter and you could've helped me convince him, you piece of s***!' Finn had always been quiet, never dared to do something he wasn't supposed to do, and was always afraid to get in trouble for everything. He'd do anything to not hurt his face and his little Raven girlfriend. Even though they had many fights and I made them stop fighting, he would never do something like that back to me 'Please go' I say 'Clarke I'm sor-' 'go execute yourself before I drown you in acid while picking your eyes out with a plastic fork.' I look at him with a deathstare while he slowly backs away ...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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