Somthing random happened today

20 1 4

In science we were revising for a test that we did for period 6 and we were revising the topic
"Electricity" and one of the quetion was what happens when....
I forgot but the ansers were
Ur eyes explode
U die
That got everyone cracking up.Later in french (not my choice of language cuz I piked spanish but I got french WTF) and we had to make a french christmas card. The boy nxt to me was also in my sciencr class and on the front of his card he drew none other than................................................................EXPLODING EYEBALLS!!!!!!
It looked so funny. He did like some starish tingies that were ment to show that they were

If u went old ford or ur in my science and french or u even no dis boy then the "boy" tgat was mentioned in this tingy is
Cough coigh
The picture isnt as accurate but thats wat it looked like

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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