Apocalyptic Hearts (GirlxGirl)

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HEEEY! This is a girlxgirl zombie fic! Hope you like it! <3


Chapter One- Dakota Black

“More animals were washed up on the shores this morning, birds have been acting strangely all across the globe, an outbreak of dangerous conflict and wars, army deployed on the streets… is this the beginning of the unfolding of America?” the news reporter’s unwavering voice rolled into Dakota’s bedroom, startling her awake. Her eyes snapped open and she groaned, wincing at the sunlight pouring through her white curtains. Sitting up, she ran a hand through her matted, blonde hair and sighed. The sounds from the TV in the kitchen started to make sense to Dakota and she rolled her eyes. News like this had been reported for the past couple of months; it had almost become normal.

“Mum!” she yelled.

“Yes sweetheart?” her mum’s voice echoed back from the kitchen.

“Can you turn that crap off? Why are you listening to it anyway?” From the other end of their small apartment another door opened with a loud bang.

“Yeah, I agree with Dakota, it will only worry you mum,” Dakota’s sixteen year old sister, Kirsten contributed. There was a sigh from the kitchen and then the blaring noise from the TV was silenced. Dakota sighed in relief. She would never admit this, but the news lately had been making her nervous. She couldn’t quite explain it but she had a terrible, sinking feeling that things in America were about to get a lot worse.

“Snap out of it Dakota, thinking like that won’t help things,” she scolded herself. Getting out of her bed, she fiddled with the ring on her finger which was freezing cold to the touch. The ring was unusual in shape, resembling a bow tie. Someone somewhere had the exact same ring. This person is her soul mate. Everybody is born with an object, usually some form of jewelry that grows hot whenever the owner of the twin object is near. The colder it is, the farther away the person’s soul mate is. Dakota’s ring had never glowed warm.

Once again, Dakota sighed and left her ring alone. She glanced around her room, the walls covered in posters, the carpet a deep blue, thousands of books strewn over the bookcase and on the floor and clothes hanging off of her bed and on the carpet. She doubted there were any clothes actually in her wardrobe.

“It’s a dump in here,” Dakota’s head snapped up to find her younger sister by one year standing at her door. Kirsten was almost an exact replica of Dakota. If it wasn’t for the age difference people would swear that they were twins. They had the same straight, blonde hair, the same sparkling blue eyes; the only difference was the mouth. Dakota had full, plump lips where as Kirsten’s were thin.

“What did I tell you about coming into my room?” Dakota snapped, grabbing a t-shirt off of the floor and some pants.

“I should knock yeah, yeah, whatever. I’ve heard it before,” Kirsten put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. The younger sister’s Soul object was a beautiful necklace that she never took off. It was a pure blue with pearls strung on the string. Hers had never grown warm either. “You should clean your room! I’m surprised you can find anything in here,” Kirsten turned to leave. “Oh, and breakfast is ready so hurry up,” with that Kirsten disappeared down the thin hallway that lead to the small kitchen.

“Oh, and breakfast is ready so hurry up,” Dakota mimicked on a childish impulse. Kirsten really got on her nerves sometimes.

Dakota pulled on her t-shirt and trousers, stopped to close her blinds and left her room, making sure the door was closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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