Bathtime Princess !: [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader]

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Bathtime Princess!: [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader]
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It was a chilly December night. You shuttered, a cold chill racking your body. You trudged through the streets of London, your feet chilling through your leather boots.

Your body shook with large tremors as you forced yourself to walk another step, which resulted in your collapse to the ground. You could barely feel anything other than the bitter cold, and the piercing wind biting at your nearly frostbitten toes. At this rate you were going to die alone, the only one to mourn your loss a lone teddy bear clutched in your grasp. One last shudder left your rapidly cooling body, and your eyes closed, the bittersweet chills the last thing you felt.

And then suddenly, you could feel again.

An immense amount of warmth poured over your body, and your eyes tried to open, but you couldn't control any of your nerves. You just felt the warmth wrap tighter around you, and then you drifted off into what you believed was the afterlife.

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It was the primary color in the room.

Burgundy curtains, bedspread, and wall pattern.

"Well, it seems you're finally awake," a voice chimed.

Your eyes shot to the side of the room the voice came from, and you saw a boy. He looked a few years older than you, with dark blue hair, and an eye patch. His other was a stormy navy color, and he wore fancy clothes with strange patterns. Your eyes widened, and you instantly ducked under the covers, grasping the pillow around you in an attempt to hide even further. A small whimper escaped your lips, and it did not pass the boys hearing.

"Hey! I saved your life and this is how you repay me?"

You squeezed your eyes shut and clutched the blankets closer, legs wrapped around a pillow. You felt your body curl closer to the soft materials, and you listened to the sounds around you. Wind blew hard on the window, shaking the frame. Footsteps trekked from across the room to beside your blanket home. You felt something touch the edge of the blankets and lift it up. Your eyes flashed open, staring at the boy again. He looked amused.

You gasped and pulled the blankets down, accidentally hitting his eye.

"Ow! You bloody brat! How DARE you!"

You whimpered and covered your head in a tight nit of blankets, listening to the sound of the boy storming out of the room. It seemed forever before the door opened again, and you peeked through the doorway, and saw a man. He was very tall, with a pretty suit on, and had black hair with red eyes that seemed to gleam. He shot you a little smile, and you could only gaze at him through your little hole. You thought he was a pretty man. Kind of like the mean boy.

"Hello, little one," the man said to you. "I've been waiting for you all day! You are needed at once!"

You slowly pulled the blankets off of you and stared at the man. You pointed at your chest and then cocked your head, as if asking, 'me?'

"Yes, you. Wait. You haven't heard?" He gasped.

You shook your head.

"My master is holding a ball tonight, and we need a princess. Would you be willing to do the honors, little one?"

You gaped at the tall man. Was he being serious? We're you really going to be a princess at a ball? As you though about this, the tall man had strode over to you, and his presence comforted you. He was warm, and as soon as he sat down on your bed, you curled up to his side, laying your head on his lap. He gazed down at you and grinned. "You remind me much of a cat, little one."

The tall man chuckled. "Will you be our princess for tonight?"

You watched as he stood up and bowed, and then held out a hand for you, waiting for you to take it. You hesitantly grasped his hand in your own, and then he pulled you into a tight embrace, petting the top if your head. You could hear a fluttering heart beat from underneath his shirt...or maybe it was your own. The man reminded you much of what a father would've been like. You wouldn't have known, as your dad had died when you were a wee one. The only one you had was your mother and a few servants who worked at the motel she owned.

And then when you ran away, you had decided to leave it all behind.

But being so young and out on your own proved to be difficult.
Luckily the mean boy and the tall man - who later introduced himself as Sebastian - took you in with no qualms.

× × ×

Sebastian gave you a bath - as you refused to have the maid do so.

He scrubbed most of you down, and then washed your hair, messing with it, and making it seem as if you had two kitty ears. You giggled and put some soap on Sebastian's face, molding it into a mustache and a beard. He frowned and just as he was about to reply, the door opened to reveal the mean boy.

His face instantly froze and he turned redder than a tomato.

"I'm sorry," he stuttered, his eyes aimed toward the ground. "I didn't realize that the lounge had been occupied..."

Just as he was about to run away, Sebastian got up, (soapy mustache and all), and whispered something in his masters ear. You watched from the bath tub, slightly less afraid of the mean looking boy. Sebastian told you that your master looks scary, but is actually very nice, and a very snuggly person. It made you less scared, and at some points it even made you laugh.

The boys face suddenly turned pale, and he looked sick to his stomach.

"You want me to do THAT? Are you insane?!"

"She is scared of you, young master. If you don't show her you can be human, she may never like you, and we can't be having that of our little princess, can we?" Sebastian gave the young boy a look, and then stepped out of the bathroom which made you wonder where Daddy Sebby went.

The blue haired boy inched his way towards you, and placed himself down on a stool. You stared at him, when he poked one of your little cat ears.

"Hi," he mumbled under his breath. "I'm Ciel. Who are you?"

You flinched at the tone of voice, and then sunk down enough in the water that only your (e/c) eyes and nose showed.

"Oh come on," Ciel groaned. "I'm trying to be nice, you could at least tell your name."

You lifted your head from the water and played with some bubbles, avoiding his eyes. "M-my name is (Y/n)."

Ciel nodded in approval, and then looked led back down at your hair. "Would you mind if I washed your hair out?" The blue haired boy asked, scratching his cheek. "Sebastian told me I should."

You slowly nodded, and then handed the boy a hand full of bubble. He looked at you funny, but slowly lathered your hair in bubbles, running his fingers through it. Your eyes closed as he ran warm water down your head, and then he gestured for you to hop out of the bath. After you had a towel safetly tucked around your body, he turned around, and finished drying you off with another towel.

You giggled as Ciel hit a spot behind your ear that was ticklish, and his face tinted pink.

"(Y/n)," he said in his pompous voice. "Would you like to accompany me downstairs as the mannors princess? Of course I'll have the maid fetch you a dress but..."

You nodded, and a smile broke out over your features.

"Thank you, Prince Ciel."

He just cleared his throat.

"No problem, Princess."

♡ 《 ♡ 《 ♡ 《 ♡


Thanks for reading this! It was requested by someone...I couldn't the user sorry.

But hopefully you enjoyed this.


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