Chapter 7- Home?

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They say that home is where the heart is, but my heart was left in the cemetery the day of my mother's funeral, so what do I call this place?

David drives up the long driveway filled with numerous flowers and trees. When the house finally comes into view, it is not even close to what I expected.

The house is an enormous vintage mansion! It is built of red bricks, and is whitewashed. All three storeys of it, reminds you of a scene from an old movie. There are large full length windows with flowing white curtains, and the front door is a large oak one with an iron brass handle. The house is something old, I could see that, but there is something inviting about it. I love it! It's different from what I'm used to. Maybe change isn't so bad after all.

"We're home", David says excitedly.

I'm so enthused by the place, I have no time to be all moody, so I end up saying "I know", with a beaming smile on my face.

"I'm guessing you like your new home?", he asks with a questioning glance.

"Are you kidding me? I love it!"

He smiles with a look of satisfaction. We both get out of the car, and I use my iPhone to start taking pictures of the house.

"I see, you like taking pictures", he says, reminding me of his presence.

"Yeah I do. This house is a beauty. I want to send it to my friends Carly and Sienna."

"Are they your best friends?", he asks, glad that we're actually having a conversation.

"Yeah, since I was seven."

"Wow! You must really miss them. I'm soo-rry", he staggers for a moment then pauses to the gather his thoughts. "I'm sorry to have separated you from them."

I nod my head, bringing back the realization of where I am, and why I'm here. This also brings an end to our conversation.

We walk up the porch to the front doors. I stop for a second and take a deep breath.

"Are you ready?"

I nod and he opens the door.

I can't believe it. The interior decorations of the living room are incredible.

I stop looking around, only to notice that David is staring at me.

"Are you impressed?"

"Yes", I answer in an excited voice. "Everything looks so in place, and the decor complements each other so well especially the choice of colour and placement of furniture."

"Wow, you know a lot about decoration?"

"Not really. I guess it's just because I grew up with an artist."

This brings us back to our forgotten silence, but we're quickly interrupted by a woman's voice.

"Oh great, you're here!", she says with excitement bursting from her.

David and I both turn to see a pregnant woman with a bright smile plastered on her face. She has strawberry blonde curls, beautiful hazel eyes and ruby red lips to die for. Her features go well with her round face. She's short, just a bit taller than I am, and looks like she's about six or seven months into her pregnancy.

David turns to me and says "Cheyenne, this is my wife Michelle" then looks at her and says "Michelle, this is my daughter Cheyenne".

"It's so nice to finally meet you", she beams. "You're such a gorgeous girl."

"Thank you, and it's a pleasure to meet you as well."

Michelle is nothing like I expected. She looks young and pretty. I don't know why, but I was expecting an old grumpy lady, not that David is old and grumpy, but I just expected his wife to be. In her smile, there's not one hint of  pretence. She seems as genuine as can be. And for one, I definitely was not expecting her to be pregnant, yet to be in a far stage of her pregnancy. It doesn't upset me though. They're married so there's nothing wrong with that. I just wish mom was here instead of her.

David goes over to Michelle and gives her a peck on her cheek and asks about her day. She informs him that she's been preparing a welcome home dinner for me all day, and that she was really anxious to meet me.

David carries my bags and escorts me to my room on the second floor. Just like the rest of the house, it's nothing short of amazing. It's in a vintage style, and most of the furniture are antiques, I later learn from Michelle.

"You can change it if you like", David says to me. "We didn't know what you'd like so we left it the same."

"I love it the way it is. I might want some different curtains and sheets, but everything else is okay."


"I'm going to be downstairs if you need me. Dinner will be ready in about an hour."

I just smile and nod.

"Oh Cheyenne, I'm sorry but I won't get to show you around until later because I have some deadlines to meet since I had to take time off from work. Feel free to look around though, after all, this is your home now."

"It's okay David", I say and instantly see that he looks a bit hurt. "I'm really tired from all the traveling so I think I'm going to take a nap."

David and Michelle both walk out, close the door, and leave me to myself. I lay down in my bed, and soon after, I fall asleep.

A/N: So yes, Michelle is pregnant which means Cheyenne will be a big sister after all. Yay!!! I already have a name in mind, but feel free to give your suggestions. I hope you guys enjoy and continue reading.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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