Chapter 24

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Gionna's POV

My friend, from Marist, he has family in Chile. I asked him if he can contact them and ask them if they knew my mother. They fortunately did. But the thing was that it was the government that kidnapped her. Apparently Randy had an older brother that is supposibly 10x worse than he was. And he is one of the world's top 10 wanted. He is #4, and I became very worried for my mom. I told my father about this and he got mad at me for not letting the police do their job. But what am I supposed to do? Sit there and wait for my mother to get killed? Heck no. 

So I called Niall and told him. He gave me the speech my father gave me, but he understood that I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. He was there before; in my sittuation, with me being the kindap-e, and he the person searching for me. That was almost 3 months ago. I still remember the day he beat up Randy, and saved me from more torture that I had to put up with. 

Now we have had a relationship of 2 and 1/5 months. He is the main reason that I go to mental therapy, I am almost 'cured' from all this post tramatic happenings. And I stopped asking the girls to come with me. They were happy that I was making progress.

We met Eleanor through via skype with Zayn, Niall, Harry and Liam. Louis and Eleanor, were coming from their date, and she we became instant friends. She still hangs out with Perrie, and Danielle, but she isn't taking any sides on 'who was/is the better girlfriend'. We met the Exs, and they were really nice girls, we told them really quickly that we hope that there isn't any hard feelings between the four of them, and luckily there weren't. Liam still kind of misses Dani, But Val tolerates them being together to hang out. But she is scared that they will end up together again, she told him that keeping no secrets from each other. He said that she is the only one on his mind everyday, and every second. And it was the same with Bree, with the same answer. 

Liz and I don't have to go through that awkwardness with our boyfriends. Besides the fact Harry dated taylor swift, But she ran off with someother guy, it's obvious that there is no hard feelings at all. But that doesn't change the fact that she sometimes calls him on 'accident' or  out if 'habit'. 

"hey Gi, can I ask you something?" Bree asked me

"Sure, what ya need?" I said after sighing

"Are you worried  that your mom might never be seen again?" 

"Big time. No matter what people tell me I am always scared for her life. I'm scared that randy's brother might kill her, and leave her remains battereed beyond recognition. I'm scared that we might not make it in time. I'm scared that my mother might never attempt to escape. I'm scared that my mother could have encountered him before without me knowing. I'm scared that they might take my father next or me. I'm scared of almost anything happening to her or to my father and I. I am frightened, terrifyed, mortified, horrified, beyond belief." I tell her

"Are you scared that you might never see  Niall again?"  she asked me

"Are you worried that Zayn might not like you any more?" I asked her

"A little bit." she mumbled

"Don't worry, He'll never leave ya. He loves ya too much." I tell her. she smileds and mumbles a barely audiable thanks. and leaves me to my thoughts. 

We don't know how randy's brother looks like, we don't know his name. We don't know anything about Randy's family. So I decided to look it up. 

~~~Niall's POV~~~~~

Gionna told me about Randy's brother. I didn't know he had a brother. especially if he is #4 of the world's top 10 most wanted. 

I'm scared that he might take Gionna, and kill her. Or make me see him kill her. 

I'm scared for her life but that doesn't change a thing. I love her and I would do anything to secure her safety. Sure she is a freshman in college, because they luckily graduated high school with really good grades. 

I could tell you, I was surprised, knowing how long Gionna was gone for. But she is my surprise. 

That sounds so corny but true. I remember while we were in the hotel in Mexico she was watching a show that lasts only five minutes, and laughs so loudly at the show. I watched one with her asked her what it was about. 'It's a show that stereotypes the world's countries. America makes hamburgers appear out of nowhere and eats them a lot has dirty blond hair and blue eyes. France is a pervy man that drinks a lot of wine blue eyed with blond hair. England is busy brow, and very proper blond with green eyes . Japan is shy and very serious dark brown eyes with short black hair. China carries panda everywhere and is layed back dark brown eyes with long black hair(brothers with Japan). But can build a Chinatown within seconds. Italy loves screaming Pasta, and is very Lazy, and plain idiotic. But he saves the world becouse of his childishness. And Germany is very sophisticated, and strict, with blond hair and bright blue eyes (go figure) and is the incarnation of Holy Roman Empire. Austria plays the Piano and is very calm and lives with Hungary(lives with Germany). Prussia lives with Germany (brothers) he is albino with purple eyes. Romano, is Italy's twin and he is a douche(southern half of the Italian country). Spain is way too laid backand just goes with the flow(brothers with France, and Italy) has green eyes with dark brown hair.' she told me and made me watch the first episode. we watched the entire show, and movie. it surprised me that she liked anime and that kind of stuff. But she isn't normal at all. So it kind of makes sense.  (A/N it's called hetalia and I am in love with America, grandpa rome (italy's grandpa), and  america's bff the alien tony) 

*buzz* *buzz* *buzz* *buzz* my phone Vibrated unknown number

"Is this Niall horan?" a persona said

"uhh why do you ask?" i asked him 

"This concerns the girl named Gionna." he said

"What do you need?" I snapped really quickly

"I just wanted to say watch your back. I have her mother. And I'm after her. Randy always wanted revenge, but he can't now can he?" he said. I stood silent

"I SAID CAN HE?" he screamed I winced

"No he can't." I said

"Exactly. That is why I will be doing it for him. What gionna went through up to now is just a warm up of what is coming next. She will probably die this time if not, barely alive, with permanent scars all over her body." he said

"And then after I'm done with her. I'm coming after you." he said and hung up. 

I stood there with shock written all over the place. I couldn't talk, I showed no expression. Then I called Gionna.



Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Been busy cleaning my school. 

Yes I go to my school to work for financial aid.

IF YOU DRAW ON THE WALLS OR PUT GUM UNDER YOUR DESK STOP IT!!! I mean seriously it is gross and disgusting. It's amazing to see how disturbing and gross other people are. I mean seriously. can't you guys walk five or so steps to throw your gym in the trash? or doddle on paper and not the wall? it's so hard to get ink and pencil off the walls. seriously. Cheese and Rice man Cheese and freaking Rice. 

sorry for the rant it is just very needed and i had to put it out there. 

What is Randy's older brother's name? what does he plan to do with Gionna and her mom? What will Niall do to save Gionna? 




HAVE A NICE DAY MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

BEWARE THE DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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