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Shark wrapped his arms around you delicately and placed a kiss on your neck. A smirk fell onto his lips, and you shivered. "R-Ryoga.. W-What are you doing?" You questioned your face heating up.

He just chuckled and pulled back. "Naw did I make my little fish blush?"

"Im not your little fish." You pouted crossing your arms and turning away. Ryoga Kamishiro has been one of your best friends for years. And yet, he always teases you like your little fish in a sharks grip. Well technically you were. Turning your head back to look at Shark you saw him with a smile on his lips. You sighed and punched his arm lightly, and he flinched. You let out a light laugh. "Oh dont act like that hurt Shark."

"Well it did." Shark defended himself.

"Did not."

"Did too!"

You both kept arguing childishly until you felt a crawling sensation crawl up your leg. Terror froze you in place. You trembled and Shark eyed you curiously wondering why your face was plastered with fear. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it when he saw what made you be scared. Getting closer to you, Shark kneeled down and took the spider off your leg. Seeing how big the spider was you screamed and ran off. Nothing really scared you besides spiders. As you ran off Shark flinched, and put the spider on his shoulder, then ran after you. Noticing that he couldnt catch up to you and that he was running close to his runner, he jumped in it and quickly got his helmet on. Starting the engine he sped off and caught up to you. You jumped as Shark's runner stopped infront of you. Blushing you looked down. When you were little he promised he'd follow you to the ends of the earth. Guess he was right. Shark got off his runner and took off his helmet. "(____).. Dont run away from your fears." He lifted up your chin so you could look in his eyes, but yelped and trembled as you saw the spider on his shoulder. Why did he keep it!? Shark held his face in your hands. "(____) look at me. Look me in the eyes." You trembled looking in his eyes and focused on him.. But it was hard. Because the spider was literally right there. "Focus on me (____). You have nothing to fear. And do you know why? Its because im here to protect you. I wont let anything harm you. Not even this cuddly little spider. I promise."

You relaxed at his words and closed your eyes. "I dont see how its cuddly... Or little Ryoga.." You stated opening your eyes.

A smile played on Shark's lips as he moved his hands, then looked at the spider. "Really? Because I think I disagree. We should name it.. Hmm. How about Snuggles?" A questioning look plastered on your face. Snuggles? What is he going to do? Keep it!?... No you were wrong. He wasnt going to keep it. He was going to give it to you. And you werent allowed to say no.

~Destiny Love~ SharkWhere stories live. Discover now