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Isaac's birthday was tomorrow. As a little 6-year-old boy, that's really exciting. Presents, party, and friends. The only problem with that was that Isaac didn't have much in the way of friends. He was a somewhat antisocial child, having learned to keep to himself. His father had left just over a year ago, and his mother spent all of her time watching God's Prophets on TV. It was essentially 24-hour church at home.

Isaac's number one birthday wish was some new crayons. The ones he had were worn down and faded from use. He never went to toy stores, so he didn't have much else to ask for. His only real toy was a small doll sewn together from patches in the shape of an odd gingerbread man. He would just call it "Best Friend".

For the past month, he had told his mom time and time again- "Crayons, mommy. I want new crayons." To which she would reply, "I know, Isaac. Now go play." And he would gladly oblige, knowing that he had passed on the message of what it was he wanted. As he hadn't asked for anything else, to him, it was pretty much a guarantee that he'd get what he wanted.

The clock struck 8. Bedtime for Isaac. He had never been so eager to jump into bed. He fell asleep almost instantly, Best Friend clutched tightly in his little arms.

---------------------------------------------Isaac woke up at 9:00 AM and bolted out of bed. He ran and sat down quickly at the kitchen table, noticing a very poorly made, small cake with "HAPPY BIRTHAY ISAAK" hastily scrawled across it. It wasn't even in frosting- it was just carved into it. He didn't pay much mind to the fact that his own name wasn't spelled right.

From the kitchen, Isaac noticed a  small, rectangular present on the floor next to his mother's recliner. It had a tag on it that read "ISAC".

After having a small slice of cake, Isaac calmly approached his mother, who upon noticed him, looked over briefly and gave a faked smile.

"Happy birthday, Isaac. This is for you."

She reached over and held up the gift to him. He eagerly tore it open.

It was a Bible.

"I think you're old enough now to be able to finally submit yourself to our Lord and Savior," Isaac's mom said. "And that's a good place to start."

Isaac didn't want to upset his mother, but he also couldn't help but feel intensely disappointed.

"Is this all I get?"

"Isaac, that is one of the most precious gifts you can receive. Do not be greedy. You are not a sinful child, are you?"

Isaac quickly and fearfully shook his head. "No! I'm sorry! I'm not sinful, I promise!" He wore a fake smile and clutched the book close to his chest. "It's great. Thank you."

She smiled at him once more before turning back to the TV. Isaac looked down at the thick book in his hands and felt tears welling up in his eyes. He solemnly walked back to his room. He opened his toy chest and climbed inside, closing the lid with himself inside of it. He looked over at the corpse of his dead cat, Guppy, whom he could never truly part with.

He looked at the Bible once more and thought to himself, Am I a sinful child?

He gently laid the book down next to himself and quietly cried himself to sleep.

Birthday BoyWhere stories live. Discover now