Fifth grade

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Fifth grade we started being bffs I used to hang out mostly with Orly,special bond I guess. Idk fifth grade passed away quickly I only studyd with them half of the year. Then I moved to the USA. I still remember the last day I went to school I wasnt aloud to be there since they already singned me out but I went anyways then I got caught. And when I started to say good bye Orly started crying and so did I, I didn't want to go but I had to I remember some of the boys had to pull her back in the classroom she scratched my arm. Sherly hugged me and stood at the door trying not to cry that and she was really pissed of at the teacher for not letting me stay. Sherly is a strong person it's strange to see her cry. Finally at USA school sucked I hated it I went from being the smart organized respectful girl to the sassy disorders litter rebel I was totally not into school didn't find a reason to go I took 6th grade in the USA as well I sucked at school had bad grades my mom had to send me back to Puerto Rico, I was sooooo damn happy.

Comment if u want me to keep updating if not I'm still going to update anyways

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