I was running as fast as I could trying to keep up with Jane. We were running down her road to the gas station just right now the road. "Can we just stop and take a breath for a minute!" I wined. Jane halted to a stop, I looked up to her to thank her but she didn't stop because I told her to. Just a couple feet away from where we were standing on the side walk was Janes boyfriend Kacey, making out with Selena. Selena was the attention hog of Steady-Trees. Everybody was always focused on her, what she was doing,what she was wearing and how she was acting.
I looked up to my bestfriend "Jane. I know your upset, but don't freak out" I tried to calm her down. But that didn't work. The next thing I see is Jane running down the street to where they were. That worked. I ran as fast as I could to catch up to her, but it was too late. Jane was shoving Selena to the ground and got on top of her. She was beating the living shit out of her. I tried to break it up but it didn't work, she was just to strong for me to pull off. I look up to see how Kacey was reacting and he was just standing there with a blank look on his face. I looked up to him and started yelling at him
"Why the hell are you just standing there!" He took my advice and broke it up. I took Jane into my arms and Kacey grabbed Selena up from off of the ground where she was bleeding. "Were done. I don't ever want to see you again" Jane cried
"Well, if you want to graduate you will have too" Kacey spat back at her.
That was enough for Jane, she just turned around and walked away towards the freeway. That's a first.