*Dreams and Reality*

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Kim's POV

Jack is still kissing me and im still kissing him and I don't why. We started moving toward and every second his grip got tighter. His pelvis was against mine and I was loving the feel. But I was still confused why I was still kissing Jack. It wasn't until we were on the bed that I decide that I should break the great but wrong kiss up.

Jack: Why did you stop? I thought that you were liking it.

Kim: Yea but it isn't right. One you just embarrassed me in front of Brandon and the whole skating rink. Two. We have no relationship and 3. I'm in a relationship and its not right to make out with another boy while you are with someone else.

Jack: Okay then just break up with Brandon and get with me.I know you want to Kim. You don't have to pretend.

Jack began to rub up and down my thigh which made me so tempted. His shirt was already and I could barley reject his exposing abs looking at me. Did I really give this up? Sexy hair, voice, lips, and BODY! I dint know wat to do. Jack hurt me when I didn't know he could ever hurt me and Brandon is just so sweet and I think I really have feelings for him.

Kim: Jack I like Brandon and I want to be with him. And I don't have to pretend to not want to be with somebody.

Jack: Kimmy you are going to give in.

Jack slug me on his lap and we started to kiss and whatnot until my mom walked in all surprised. I jumped off of Jack and passed him his shirts.

KM: Jack I think that its time for you to leave. Thank you for stopping by and checking on Kim.

Jack: I'm sorry Mrs.Crawford and Kim ill see you tomorrow at school. (he winked at me while making a v sign with his fingers and putting his tongue through it)

Kim: Bye Jack.

When my mom heard the door close down stairs she askes me to explain myself

Kim: Mom nothing was going to happen. I tried to stop it but Jack is way stronger than me.

Mom went on about how you shouldn't let a guy take advantage of you because once they get what they want they just leave you and they wont come back. I nodded my head to everything she said just to get out the conversation. I just went to sleep and I had the weirdest dream ever. Even though I wanted it to be with Brandon so bad it was with Jack.

Jack's body was hovering over me while he attempted to leave a hickie on my neck. I let out a small moan of pleasure. Jack smashed his lips on mine resorting me to having my hand search up his back to his hair. I tangles my hands in his hair while he his pelvis grinned on my mine. He took off his shirt seeing his toned abs and packs. I couldn't imagine anything better. He flipped me over making his on the top. His hands started to search my thighs until it found my pleasure spot. I didn't know how to react to the situation so I went with the flow. I felt some find of pressure in my underwear. I moaned more until I was awoken. I cant believe I was dreaming of having the three word with JACK! did I really belong with him or was it just a misunderstanding.

#The next morning

Okay its time for school and I have to deal with looking at Jack while we basically had some kind of kissing sex last night while seeing Brandon the bot I disappointed on our first and maybe last date ever. I walked through the door seeing Brandon waiting at my locker. He is so sweet and adorable. I walked by Jack while he slapped my butt and winked at me. I just hissed at him like he was a prey and I was the predator. I reached my locker to face Brandon...

Kim: Hey, so im really sorry about the date. I didn't want it to happen that way nor did I want you to figure it out that way. I wanted it to come from me and when it was the right time.

Brandon: What was Jack doing at your house, in your room last night?

Kim: How do you know about that.

Brandon: When we were texting I was on the way over there. I saw his bike and just thought that he left it there after all the time that hes over there.When I got to the door your mom said that Jack was up there and she didn't think that would be a good fit. I asked her to tell yu to text me.I never got a text.

Kim: Brandon do you really want the truth?

Brandon: Yes. How can we have a relationship if there isn't trust.

Kim: Okay Brandon when you finished texting me Jack knocked on the door and he came in. I started tlking to him asking what he was going here and he forced his self on me and I was shocked. I didn't know if I should've kept kissing him or stopped because I didn't know if me and you were in a committed relationship and he had a really big grip. One thing to another we made it and Jack took off his shirt and my mom walked in and told him he had to leave.

Brandon: So your telling me that you made out with him after we just had a date?

Kim: Its not like that :(

Brandon: I know exactly how it is. You just wanted to make a scene so you could make it seem Jack is the bad guy when you really are. Kim in DONE

Kim: But Brandon its not even like that I promise

Brandon: DONE he shouted through the halls

I was so frustrated that I completely turned on Jack that was smirking at me. I dropped my books and walked over to him and his smirk changed to a "shes bout to beat my booty" look

Kim: Jack are you happy that im not dating him now. Are you happy that I am miserable? All you do is think about is yourself. Do you not think about other people's feelings? Do you really ever think that you will get with me now. All I can say is that you are no longer apart of my life because you are just a heartless human being!

Jack: You'll regret this.

Me screaming off Kim: Just like me going to Miami and meeting Justin Bieber I WONT!

I just wen to the Café to just sit and relax my mind while eating a fruit cup. I don't know what to do with my life so screwed up like this...

How do you guys feel about this sexual thing??? Comment:))

Btw im starting a new story and I would like you guys to check it out when I figure out the title, story line and everything in between lol bye


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