How It All Started

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Hey everyone, I have decided to write another part for the new year. I know I told you I would keep writing Blades of Fire and I will. However, I just haven't been in the mood to write. Probably writer's block, joking!!!!!!! I've made up my mind to write another part of how I meet Slade, so please comment and vote. <3 


I always talk to me sister about everything, especially new tv shows. So, we were one day talking about new tv shows to watch like we do all the time. She told me that I should watch this show called Sons of Anarchy. Of course I was like, "what is that?". She explained it is based off of a motorcycle club in California. I of course thought that it sounded super boring, so I dismissed that tv show. Well, 2 months later during the middle of the school year, I wanted to watch something good, so I decide to give Sons of Anarchy a chance. Let me say, I was completely wrong. I stared watching the first episode, the next thing I know I'm already on episode five of the third season. I was addicted to the show and I was loving the storyline. I could not get enough of it. So of course being me, I get on to my laptop and try find out all about 1% motorcycle clubs. I'm looking up all the clubs that are in or around my area. Let me tell you, how hard it was. It took me forever and I still can't find some. 

Well, a week later in my criminology class my professor, decides to tell us all about our big essay worth 40% of our grade due at the beginning of December. She goes through it so quickly, I don't even have a chance to grasp what I have to do for this essay. So, I decide to go to her office hours and pick her brain on the assignment that is worth, almost half of my grade. 

I walk into her office and ask her about the essay. She explains that I have to choose from the 5 topics given. I of course blurt out, that I'm super interested in the 1% motorcycle clubs. Her mouth drops open and says to me, "that would be a great topic to choose, it would go wonderfully into the broad category of corruption". I am so surprised by her enthusiasm and excitement that I end up spending an hour talking to her about the 1% MC. 

I get home that day and start to research all about the MC life. By the end of the evening, I have basic information but I need to narrow down my search. I choose to research about one of the most notorious 1%er clubs, hoping to get more information. Well, no help there. It was hard to find any information, it was like search for a needle in a hay stack. Let me just say, that the needle would probably be easier to find. I end up going onto their homepage website for their chapter and sending them an email. 

It goes something like this.....

Hi, my name is audrey and I am a criminology major. I have to write an essay for this class and was hoping you would be able to assist me in it. The topic for this essay is  why this club as well as other 1%er clubs are seen in the public eye as criminal organizations or gangs. I was hoping to get your opinion on this topic and personally quotes that I could use for my essay. Can you please email me back, I would love to meet a few of you and talk about your opinions on this diverse topic. 


I know you are probably thinking, how stupid are you? You just wrote an email to an MC and asked to meet them. I know but I was desperate for information for my essay. Wouldn't you be? 

Well after sending the email, I was excited and nervous for a reply. I was hoping they would be able to meet, so I could write my essay on this topic. But I was scared that I might have gotten myself into a load of trouble. You know when your parents say, "you've been barking up the wrong tree" this time I think I might of. I decided to go to bed after and check my email tomorrow hoping for a positive reply. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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