Chapter 8: Falling for you?

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Natsu's P.o.v

I countined to carry gray on my back, we had finally reached the end of the field, but it was so tired I needed a rest

I layed him down softy on the grass, he was so beat up, I put my hand on his chest and started to cry

"I'm so sorry gray..." I started "This is all my fault, if only I hadn't picked this job lucy and juvia wouldn't have got kidnapped and you..." I sobbed loudly before Countining "I'm such a bad friend you don't deserve someone like me."

"it's not you fault natsu..."

"What?" I sat straight to up but reused to remove my hand

Gray grabbed my hand a squeezed it, and said "Your my best friend, it's doesn't matter what you've done, despite how much I fight you
I really care about-"

I let go of Gray's hand and he layed it back on his chest

"That's enough"

he looked shocked "Wha-"

I shook my hand "No silly not like that "Your still really hurt, get some rest we will talk in the morning"

He smiled at me, at very heartwarming smile

I started at him, this was happier than he'd very looked with juvia before

I begin to think about it "Maybe he-" I shook my head "No way"

"Hey natsu?"


"I just wanna say thanks for always being there for me"

I blushed brighty "Y-yea no problem"

No response


I leaned over his shoulder "He was sleeping"

I smiled he was so cute when he was sleeping

I learned back over, I decided I needed to sleep as well, I layed down beside gray almost touching but no quite

I was just about to think about lucy when

Gray put his hand over me and pulled me in closer go we were touching our lips why to close for comfort

I was just about to pull away when, I looked at him, he looked so happy.

"I can't break his heart" I though, so I didn't move.

"Thanks natsu"

I blushed again "N-No problem"

He pulled me in again and put his arm over me, I did the same, and while hugging we slept

However I couldn't sleep a million thoughs we're going through my head

before I feel asleep I wishpered something "Gray...Is this really you, why do you care for me So much"

Before I finally dozed of I though of something else

Was I getting feelings for gray? you know like in... love?

"No way" I though, I sighed "Gray.. what have you done. am I falling for you?"

Hehe short chapter sorry bout that

but we finally have some gratsu yay!

I love writing this its so fun!

about my vacation I'm not leaving till Monday! so I'll update both stories until then

I hope you enjoy >w<

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