chapter 2

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The next day

Rigsby knocked on the front door of the mansion and the maid Emma opened the door. He asked her were Robert black was and she said that he was still sleeping but she could go wake him up. He said yes and waited in the hall while she ran up the stairs to wake Robert up. Suddenly while he was looking at one of the expensive paintings in the hall, he heard a scream come from up stairs. He was running before he knew it. Upstairs he saw Emma standing at the doorway of a room and she was shaking. He went to the doorway to see what she was looking at. At first, he could not see anything because the room was dark but as his eyes adjusted, he saw why Emma had screamed. Laying in the center of the bed a knife sticking out of his chest was Robert black dead. "Go downstairs and call the police miss Emma," said rigsby she ran downstairs and rigsby entered the room careful not to touch anything until the police arrived. He noticed a slightly crumpled sheet of paper on the floor and picked it up. He read it once then had to read it again to make sure he read it right the first time. It was a will written by Scott black two days before his death. In it, he left the majority of his money to various charity organizations and very little to his wife and brother. It all began to make sense to rigsby now. Alice and Robert must have caused the accident somehow that killed Scott and then they changed his will to get his money.

"But" thought rigsby aloud "if Robert wasn't the one who killed Alice then who was it" suddenly he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head and then everything went black.

When detective john rigsby opened his eyes the first thing he noticed was that he was tied to a chair, it was night, and that he was in an old tool shed. He then looked very slowly and very carefully at the white-haired blue-eyed figure holding a knight pointed directly at his heart. "Mrs. Goldilocks it was you all along wasn't it?" rigsby said calmly "the one who killed Alice and Robert. Why did you do it?" "Because they killed my granddaughter that is why" said Mrs. Goldilocks "the girl who Scott hit in the accident was her. When Alice and Robert killed Scott, they also killed my granddaughter so I killed them to get revenge". Just then the door to the shed opened and a dozen police officers where there all pointing there guns at Mrs. Goldilocks. "Mrs. Goldilocks drop your weapon you are under arrest for the murder of Alice and Robert black and the attempted murder of detective john rigsby," said one of the officers.

The End

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