"My True Reflection Inside"

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A girl named Grace Sheng think that she was a very misery person why?? here we begins her story she was in 2nd year High School, she was so smart, friendly and a happy person, so she catches many of the classmates attention and with many friends that she can easily managed, this is not enough for her.

But even though she has many friends, she can't still choose who among of them should be trusted with all of her feelings and secrets.

Because nonetheless to the mind of her classmates and friends

of what she feel inside.

She still can't pick which one of them, until her painful feelings grew up when Karina goes to her life.Karina was Grace's old best friend, and the president of the class, Karina didn't want Grace to be her friend when she discovered all about her personality.(so it means that Karina knows the feeling of Grace but not all, because Karina leaved Grace).

Karina is popular in the school, because she is good in singing, dancing, arts it's like she got it all, sometimes she perform in theatre shows, then that's the reason why she is popular and some,, not some let us say all of the friends of Grace are now in Karina.

That ruly, truly, madly, deeply painful feeling still is keep going on and on, sometimes she became envy and angry with Karina for what she done, but since Grace is a kind-hearted person and she didn't want to fight with her she always just stay calm.

Until Liah and Chloe go to Grace and help her, Grace test them ,then she decided to tell them how she feels. Liah and Chloe know the feeling because they are realizing it also right NOW, when Grace hear it she become happy because she will have a "Real True Best Friend" to whom she can share her feelings and secrets.

Grace has the painful experience among all of them, so Liah and Chloe just become patient with her.

In herself she really didn't know what is her talent at all, she already joined many dance competition, but still she is not sure if she could dance freely and properly, next is many of her classmates are good in singing, sometimes she is envy about them, in herself deep inside she wants to sing and she loves music and singing but she also cannot make it when she sings, her classmates laugh at her, and that's the time she didn't sing in her whole life, she only hums, and sings into her mind.

She always imagine that there is a theatre show then she is one of them but no.In sports she also not good, not good in playing volleyball, chess, tennis and she wants badminton, but also one day her mom and also friend tell to her that she really can't make it, when Grace think of that events again she always cry and always hurt, sometimes she told to herself yes I'm smart, good at all, but when it comes to activities like that I am so very SLOW..

Most of the times they are one group and then all of them are singing and sometimes they talk about us, and also whem I'm hurt or I can't take the pain that is already bursting in my chest I go to the Girls Comfort room and cry, also Chloe and Liah.So they just helped each other in each feelings.

Until the time has come for Grace, Liah and Chloe because the president of the Glee club asked them who maybe in their classroom have a hidden talent, it means that a person wants to sing or dance but he/she can't because they are shy or not good in doing it.

The 3 of them are sooo happy, they said that the 3 of them only, so they registered there is also training/lessons for dancing, singing, art, piano, guitar, ballet.They chose Singing and Dancing the training is only for 150 per hour, but they said that it will be a secret now why?

Because we will have a surprise Theatre performance wherein only our Moderator, Coordinator and Principal knows all about.The Faculty/Teachers didn't know al abput these.

The Glee club wants give chance to others who have a hidden talent, that's the reason why they are doing this and keeping as a secret, so that many will be amazed, shocked, surprised and inspired.

The training starts, the 3 really practice harder and harder until it is the time for the Theatre program, the coordinator called all the Faculty/Teachers and tell them to lead their students into the auditorium, many asked why it is because there is a surprise program.

Many are waiting then when somebody announced that it is a Theatre show, then Karina protested and feel dismay and unfair because she want to join but nobody announce or told her..

2 minutes before the showcase our manager told us, Me, Liah and Chloe are very nervous,until it's time, it's time for us to show them what's within us and what's with us.In 5.....4.....3.....2.....1..... (Start of the Theatre show)

When there classmates especially Karina saw Grace, Liah and Chloe perform they were totally surprised and being inspired, but Karina became angry with Grace, Liah and Chloe, for not telling Karina about the show.

Many performance are prepared there were also comedies and dramas where everyone enjoyed, maybe except for Karina.

When the Theatre has just ended the Glee club tell about al the plan to make sure no one will became angry or offend, because sometimes many students want to join in Theatre shows.

(Backstage after the show)

I hope Karina would understand, because she might become angry with us, Chloe said right girls. Yes she is right you know the attitude of Karina right??hmm yep but still I want to forgive her, Said Grace.But why?yoü know what Chloe and Liah, Past is Past, oki3, let us forget about that the most important thing is our friendship and we share our talent already, YES..

(meanwhile back in the classroom)

When they saw Chloe, Grace and Liah, they clapped for them and say congratulations, many of Karina's friends that are Grace'friends in the first place, go back to Grace and say sorry, Grace accepted the apologies of her classmates, but Karina was just staying in the corner and became speechless

Karina, are yoü ok? Grace said, yes I am, congrats to you my dear friend, I wasn't right, I just think that i never leave you, I know I'm not become a true Best Friend in yoü, so i'm just gonna leave and I'm sorry..,

Wait, Karina I forgive you, umm it is just ok, Said Grace, Karina replied what for all the misery things I've done to you, you still??Thank you..(bursting with tears of joy) Grace said: you are still my friend though and I think yoü know me very really well especially my attitude, the two become friends again together with Liah and Chloe. .

Liah, Chloe Thank you, thanks for believing I can't done it without you guys or should I say Peeps!! Yeah shouted Liah and Chloe no problem peep, you also have a part on us.I think those nasty, rascal, rudy, truly, madly, deeply painful feelings are now fading out right? Yes, let us forget what happen on the past....."WHAT'S........PAST...........IS........PAST"! shouted the three.

Since the hidden talent was now discovered Grace, Liah and Chloe's lives changed thanks with the help of the Glee Club, there misery lives has already stopped at last.

And the four are now really closed they called their group "The Glee's"

because of course onto their experiences, now here's the message of Grace on us:

Never stop dreaming I know guys some of us can relate but don't worry the time will also come for you to shine, just never give up and I believe in the end yoü will found yoür true reflection inside, what it is with you, like me, i know I was triggered by the painful times for me to give up, but I try harder and harder in it and in the end I already found myself My True Reflection Inside.

THE END. . . .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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