Chapter 4 : another cheating imagine

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"Hello baby." Harry greets you and kisses your cheek.

You smile weakly at him and keep reading your book, not ready to look at him.

"How was your day?" you whisper.

"Long. I missed you."You nod, not even listening to him. Harry frowns, staring at you.

normally you don't act like this, normall you jump on him when he get back home but since the end of the tour, you're strange. He doesn't really understand why. He's always the same person, so are you. He's in love with you and you used to love him too. What happened to you?

"I'm gonna take a shower."

"Okay."Harry kisses the top of your head. Maybe you need some time. When he finally disappears, you close your book and run your fingers through your hair, trying to hold your tears.
He acts like if nothing has changed. How can he hide it from you? You knew it at the airport. No need to talk. Just when you saw his eyes, you knew what happened during the two months away from you. It's been three weeks since he came back and he hasn't told you yet. You haven't said anything either. But he knows that something's wrong. You cried for days but now you've stopped. Crying won't change anything. What's done is done. You can't blame him.You've felt sad and broken a lot of time in your life but this time is the worst. Because you're in love with this idiot. You've never wanted to be in love, especially with Harry but you couldn't control it, even if you knew that you'll end up hurt in every way possible. You wanted your little part of happiness. And you got it. But it has disappeared too quickly to appreciate it. You would like to come back to the time when you were the only one. But it's impossible.You rub your eyes and take your glass of Jack Daniels between your fingers. The only way to forget is to find something that makes you forget.

You're about to take a sip when you hear his footstep behind you. He stands in front of you, wearing his dark jeans and a white tee shirt. His wet hair all over his forehead. You could smile because he's probably the most attractive man in the world right now. But he's not yours. At least he used to be.He sits on the sofa in front of you and you finish your glass of whisky before leaving it on the table. Harry raises his eyebrows, surprised: you never drink alcohol. You hate it. Especially whisky. You stay quiet so does he, looking at you without a word. You keep looking down at your knees, thinking of a way to talk to him about your problem. He doesn't even know what's happening. It's like he doesn't know that you know him better than anyone else. Everything's changed. The way he holds you in his arms, the way he kisses you, even the way he makes love to you. It's different, he's scared of loosing you and you can feel it in every way possible.

"I know." You finally say.Harry frowns and tilts his head to the side, trying to understand what you're talking about. You can't know about her. He erased every part of her from his life and from his heart. You can't have guessed. But the way you look at him proves him otherwise. Your eyes previously full of love and passion are now sad and dark. His eyes widen when he realizes when he should've realized three weeks ago: you know everything.

"Babe, I'm..."

"Sorry? I know. But it won't change anything." You interrupt him.The calm in your voice surprises him. You're not crying, you're not shaking, you're not yelling at him, you're absolutely calm. So you've probably done all those things before. You kept it for you for three weeks: he doesn't want to imagine how hurt you've been. Because of him.

He sits on the sofa near you and takes your hands which are incredibly cold. You look down at your interlaced fingers and shake your head.

"I know babe, I know it won't change anything but I missed you so much and I hadn't talked to you for days and I wanted a way to forget. It was a mistake. She was a mistake, a big mistake, I was out of my mind." He admits.Your heart breaks for the millionth time in three weeks when he finally admits it. A big part of you has been hoping that you just have been imagining all of it and another's yelling a big "you're so naive". But you have your confirmation. He did it. Your hands leave his and you can read the sadness in his beautiful green eyes.

"(Y/N), she's nothing, you are my life. I wanted to tell you but I scared. I don't want to lose you, I'm so in love with you."

"I know, Harry. I'm not angry. It can sound weird but I think that it's not your fault. It's mine. Because I thought that you were mine and only mine but I was wrong. I am wrong."Harry takes your chin between his fingers, forcing you to look up at him, your eyes meeting his green irises. It's worse than he expected: you think that it's your fault. It's not, it's his. He's the one who ruined everything. You can't blame yourself.

"Babe, angel, princess, listen to me. I'm yours. My heart is yours, every part of me is yours. It's not your fault, okay? It's mine and I...I'm probably the worst boyfriend on the earth and I feel awful because you're hurt because of me and I can't handle it and if you..If you leave me I would understand because for fuck's sake who would want to stay with a man like me." He says with a voice which breaks at the end.You blink a few times to realize what his saying and finally frown. His hand leaves your chin when you wrap your arms around his neck for a hug. Harry doesn't move for a few seconds, not knowing how he's supposed to react. You're not supposed to hug him, you're supposed to yell at him.

"I'm not gonna leave you Harry. I will never leave you. You're not the worst man on the earth. You made a mistake and we all make mistakes. But you can't say that no one want a man like you because I want you. I just need some... time, to get used to it. I'm not gonna leave you Harry, and if you say that she's nothing for you, so she's just another nightmare. But if you say something like that again, I'm gonna slap you because I really want to do it right now. I love you, Harry Styles." You murmur in his hear with a shaking voice, tears finally coming.Harry's heart starts beating a little faster when he hears your words, his arms wrapping by themselves around your waist to finally hug you back, his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck. He doesn't deserve you. How the fuck a girl like you can stay with him? He's about to ask you but finally gives up: he doesn't really want you to slap him.

"No more secrets." You say and slowly pull back.Harry smiles and nods, his forehead against yours.

"I promise."And God knows that Harry Styles never breaks a promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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