Part 2

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Dan's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my clock beeping angrily at me. I didn't even lift my face up, which was buried in my pillow. I just let out a grunt and slammed my hand down atop the alarm clock, shutting it up and knocking it and a few other things off the bedside table. My head was killing me and I felt completely drained. It felt like I had been hit in the head with a ton of bricks. I forced myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom, passing Barry on the way.

"Mornin'," he said as I walked by. I grumbled a response. I stepped into the bathroom, locking the door behind me and looking at my reflection in the mirror. I had been up till about 3 that morning doing some bank stuff, some NSP stuff and some other really stressful and important things so I had dark purple circles under my eyes. My hair was frizzier than usual, which I didn't even think was possible. I sighed, splashing some cold water on my face to wake myself up. Once I was fully awake I walked back to my room threw on some clothes and went to find Barry. He was in his usual place on the sofa on his laptop. He was working on editing some video Arin and I had recorded about 2 weeks ago.

"Merry Christmas Eve, Dan," he said with a big smile. I remembered it was December 24, which I had learned was the day before Christmas. "Yeah," I said back, sitting down beside him.

"Of yeah, Arin called earlier," Barry said while getting a sip out of his coffee mug.  My mind snapped to attention at the mention of Arin's name. "Oh really? What did he say," I responded, trying not to seem too intrusive.

"Well, he was wondering if we were coming to work today. I told him I was just gonna stay home and that you were still asleep so didn't know what you were going to do."

"Oh." Damn, I was hoping it was something about the kiss. "Ya know what? I'm going in today. I need to get some stuff taken care of down there anyways. Besides, there's nothing better to do," I said, grabbing my phone and rushing out the door to my car without saying another word. I heard Barry as soon as I shut the door say, "Well, bye to you too."

When I reached the Grump Office, my headache had doubled and I'm sure I must look like a homeless person. I walked in and saw Suzy eating a cookie. When she saw me, she walked up to me with a great big smile.

"Hey Suzy," I said with almost a hint of sadness in my voice. "Oh hi Dan. Arin was just asking about you. Are you ok?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. 

"Yeah, just a little stressed. Do you have anything that might help with a headache?"

"Sure. One second." She turned and walked back to the kitchen. She returned in less than two minutes with a glass of water and a Tylenol pill. I gratefully took it and swallowed, gulping down the rest of the water. "Thanks. Now, what was Arin asking about me?"

"Oh, he was just wondering if you were coming into work today. He's in the Grump Room if you guys want to record or talk."

I nodded to her. "Thanks." Turning away, I made my way to the Grump Room. On the way there, I passed by the room where the tree was. I looked up the door frame to look at the, oh what did they call it,  mistletoe only to find that it wasn't there. I shrugged and kept walking. I soon came to the door to the Grump Room. I took a deep breath, laid my hand on the door knob and pushed it open. Arin was sitting on the couch with his back to me but he spun around when he heard the door open and I stepped in. His face seemed to brighten when he saw me, or it could just be my own imagination playing tricks on me. I sat down next to him, not looking at him. "Hey," he said. I returned his greeting in a lot less enthusiastic manner. "Hey. What game do you wanna record today?" I saw him shrug out of the corner of my eye. "I dunno. I did have one idea. How about not recording today and just play a game for fun?"

I nodded, still not pulling my eyes from the floor. "That sounds nice," I mumbled.

Arin stood and walked over to the shelves of games we had and looked around for about ten minutes while I sat on the couch, trying to gather all of my thoughts. But I just felt so drained, emotionally, physically and mentally.

"How about this one?"

My eyes flickered up to see which game he had picked out. It was Super Mario Bros 2. I nodded with a tired, forced half smile. "Yeah sure."

I watched as Arin put in the game and sat down next to me; a lot closer than he usually does. He played a few levels and offered me the controller.

"I'll pass," I said.

Arin then stood, turned off the game and locked the door to the Grump Room. He sat back down beside me. "Dan, something's wrong and I want to know what. You can trust me," he said taking hold of one of my hands. I was too tired to really take any notice of it. I shrugged, which made Arin gently tighten his grip on my hand. "Danny. Tell me please. I can't stand to see you like this."

I sighed. "I was up really late last night working on some stuff. That's all," I said trying to sound as sincere as possible.   I failed.

"That's not all. I can see it in your eyes. What else is it?"

"There's just... been a lot of....things on my mind lately."

He moved closer and used his other hand to lift my chin to where I was looking him directly in the eyes. "What things?"


My cheeks flushed a deep red and I felt tears in the back of my eyes at my sudden outburst. I just couldn't keep it held up in my heart any longer. Arin's face turned a pinkish colour and he looked shocked for a second. Then he let out a single laugh and a smile appeared on his face. "That's all I've ever wanted to hear."

He released my hand and reached into his pocket. He pulled out something green. I saw that it was the mistletoe. He held it above my head and used his hand that was still on my chin to pull my face to his. Before I knew anything else, he pressed his lips against mine like he had the other day. I felt the strength return to my muscles and mind. I didn't feel tired or weak anymore. We slowly pulled away with our noses touching. We sat here, staring into each others eyes for a few seconds before we started laughed quietly.

"I love you Arin Joseph Hanson," I whispered with our lips ever so slightly touching as I spoke.

"I love you too, Leigh Daniel Avidan," He whispered.

 Arin threw the mistletoe across the room. He grabbed me by the shoulders, we were both laughing freely and not quietly, and pushed me backwards on the couch until he was practically on top of me. He brushed a stray piece of hair form my face and ran the back of his hand across the side of my face. He leaned in and his lips found mine once again, this time with more force added to it. I could feel him sucking slightly on my bottom lip. I smiled and opened my mouth to allow his tongue to mingle in my mouth with my tongue. The contact of our warm tongues against each other made me moan. We could hear someone knocking on the door but we didn't care. It was probably just Ross wanting some people to annoy. We were just glad we had finally put some curtains on that window and that they were closed. Right before Arin started taking off both of our clothes, he leaned down and kissed all over my exposed neck. He nibbled gently on my earlobe and kissed once just below my ear and whispered, "Merry Christmas."

Merry Christmas Guyz!!!!! So it's December 20th right now and 1:40 in the morning. I just got the urge to finish this tonight before I go to bed. I hope you guyz have a lot more Merrier Christmas than I'm having.

Happy Holidays!!


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