Chapter 30 ~ Jade vs. Yomazu

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HAIIIIIIII! IT'S ME! During the rest of the book the storyline will follow a bit of the S-class?Grimoire Heart arc. I don't know exactly how the arch goes so please don't be mad if I get things wrong. But there will be a lot of fighting in this chapter with Jade. But also remember that it will not be perfect because I am changing most things to fit Jade in and stuff. SO ENJOY!!

Jade's POV~

"Ugh..." I say getting up from the ground, rubbing my aching head as I do. "What happened?" I questioned myself. A chicken quickly appeared in my head and I felt my blood boil. "Damn Chicken!" I yelled, frustrated with myself and that stupid distracting chicken.


I hear a really girly scream cry out in pain. I immediately turn towards the direction where it came from. I smell the air to see who it is. My nose picks up four scents but I only recognize three. I smell Gajeel, Levy and that damn Chicken. But the other scent kinda smells like a goat.....weird.

I run in the direction of the scream and scents. Once I get there, I see Gajeel beaten up and Levy looking distraught while the chicken and yes a goat are in battle stance.

"Levy get out of here, you need to tell the others what is going on here. I'll be fine, I can handle these guys." Gajeel spoke to Levy as she nodded her head and turned around to start running. But before she left she, with tears in her eyes, casted a spell, "Solid Script Magic: Iron!" A big Iron block in the shape of the word Iron appeared before Levy ran away.

I smile at the cute little moment that happened. I made a good decision, Gajeel will be happy with Levy only if he admits his feelings. I get snapped out of my thoughts as Gajeel got hit by a powerful attack. 

I immediately focus on what was happening right now. Just when Gajeel was going to take a hit from the Chicken dude behind him, "Flamethrower!" I shouted, blue flames flying out from the forest, straight to where to the eggs are, burning them to ashes.

Everyone stops what they're doing and turns my way as I walk out of the forest that is surrounding the fight. When I step out Gajeel makes a cocky grin as he stands up from the ground. The goat and chicken go from surprise to annoyance.

"I thought we killed you with just a blow to the head from how weak you are." The goat said. Without even a second from when those words left the goat's mouth, I was connecting my face with his face, punching him to the ground. Gajeel started cracking up from the scene in front of him.

"What?!?!" The chicken dude asked in shock. I gave him a smirk before cracking my knuckles. Time to fight. 

Third Person POV~

"Which one do you want?" Jade asks Gajeel, unamused to make them annoyed, which it worked. "I'll have the chicken you have the goat." Gajeel responds facing the chicken who was red with anger. The goat behind Jade has already started to get up, getting ready to do a sneak attack. Sadly for the goat, Jade already knew that the goat was on his feet. 

"We are not ordinary goats or chickens. I am Kawazu and he is my partner Yomazu. We are apart of the dark guild, Grimoire Heart!" The chicken or now Kawazu declared.

"Yeah, yeah. So what?" Jade asked unimpressed. The goat or now Yomazu launched off his feet, ready to hit Jade. Just when Yomazu thought his sword should connect with Jade he came to a stop and heard, "Clink."

Yomazu looked to see that his sword came in contact with another sword, belonging to Jade. In the time Yomazu took to 'hit' Jade, she re-quipped her sword to counter it. Jade might of had Erza teach this to her, for situations like this.

Yomazu was shocked but thought that Jade couldn't be strong, so he put all of his weight onto his sword.  But Jade didn't falter or even look affected by the weight. Jade pushed Yomazu off of her sword, launching him in the air. Jade readied herself to jump in the air and attack him. But Yomazu was quick to adapt and used his magic, "Slice!"

But he knew that one wasn't going to be enough so he sent down around twenty. Jade deflected all of the slices with her sword but one, hitting her in the side, sending her sliding back. Yomazu smirked as he hit Jade. But without even a second waisted, Jade sprinted off of the ground, heading straight for Yomazu.

Jade attacked fiercely, striking him over and over, but being blocked by Yomazu's sword. But Jade had a plan. She kept striking Yomazu, purposely leaving herself open. But the goat just thought that she wasn't that skillful, so he used that opening. Yomazu striked Jade, sending her sword flying. Yomazu followed the path of her sword, not paying attention to Jade.

Jade didn't follow her sword as she stared directly at Yomazu. She brought her hands up, a magic circle appeared and without a word blue fire flew itself out of the circle hitting Yomazu directly. He got sent back until he slammed his back into a tree, falling to the ground burnt and unconscious.

Jade's POV~

I look at the fallen goat man with disappointment. I let out a sigh. He was so easy, it wasn't even fun. I look at Gajeel and see him finish off the chicken dude. I walk over to him, but it speeds into a run as I see him sway. I quickly run over to Gajeel and catch him before he falls.

"How are you doing?" I ask him as I carefully place him on the ground.

"Shut up, I'm fine this is nothing." Gajeel says before laying down and staring up at the sky. I laugh at how he is 'fine.' "Get some rest, I'm sure that Levy will come back with help. Tell them what's going on, okay?" I ask Gajeel, he nods in response as I stand and look around.

I'm guessing that the S-Class trials are canceled. I should probably see who needs any help. I smell the air and detect familiar scents in pain near the ocean. I sniff one more time to clarify who it is.

Natsu? Happy? Makarov?.........................shit!

I take off in the direction of the scents, making my way quickly to them. I keep smelling to see who they are fighting and what kind of magic they have. I make out that Natsu is fighting one guy and he god slayer magic?!?! That's not good!

I speed up my running trying to get there faster. Natsu will have trouble eating his fire. Why? I don't know but it was in a book somewhere. I arrive shortly after to see Makarov lying on the ground, pretty beaten up and Natsu fighting a weird looking guy with blonde hair.

I rush over to Makarov and kneel beside him. "Makarov? Are you okay??" I ask, checking for any major injuries. "Jade? Oh thank god that you're here. I need you to help Natsu fight Zancrow. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I nod to Makarov and get up. I sniff the air once again, sensing a presence close by. I smile, it's Wendy. Good, time to fight.

Sorryyyyyyyyyy! T^T I know it's kind of a cliff hanger. Next Chapter will be soon! I promise. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the previous ones along with the ones to come. Love you all <3

Byeeeeeeeeee :D                                                 ~deadpoolxxlux

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