The creak

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It was the middle of Winter when this happened. I can vaguely remember what it looked like but the mystery of it still makes me want to know what it wanted.

I got up one night to pee. I sluggishly passed my parents bedroom to get to the bathroom which was opposite the side of my bedroom. Anyway, i went inside and peed. After that I opened the tap to wash my hands. It was while I was drying my hands that I heard a soft creak on the stairs. I  remembered feeling confused because I would have heard my parents leave their bedroom if they wanted to go downstairs. I'm an only child so it definitely ruled out any possibilities of anybody else going downstairs. I left the bathroom and peaked down the stairs - (the stairs were right next to the bathroom and oppostie my parents bedroom). Anyway, I didnt see anyone there. I decided to leave the creaking as a product of my imagination when the creak happened again. I took a look but nobody was there. I was a little perplexed. This sorta stuff never happened before. I decided to leave it and head straight to my bedroom when a stonger creak sounded. I looked down the stairs again but nobody was there. Before looking away I saw a shadow move downstairs. It was a feminine shadow with a long dress. I could only see the outline of the figure so her face wasnt identifiable. I slowly walked down the stairs to catch the owner of the shadow. I began to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. Like I shouldn't be following this shadow but the urge to figure out who it was made me want to walk down even more. The unease I felt grew even more with each step I took. The feeling grew and grew until I became frightened of what the woman downstairs would do to me so I began to turn around when a door leading to the kitchen opened slightly. I froze. The opening was too small to get a clear view but everything seemed normal. I felt a little relaxed but I decided to walk up the stairs to prevent myself getting a heart attack if I did chose to go into the kitchen. The sound of a hum from the kitchen froze me. That was it. I was no longer scared. I was curious. I turned around again to go further down and just when I reached the bottom the humming stopped. I remembered feeling like a hero. Whoever this intruder was was going to pay but the uneasy feeling I got came flooding back to me. I wanted to run but at the same time the mystery and curiosity I had was too strong. I stood there debating whether I should run or take the risk. I came  into a conclusion after a minute and took a slow step towards the kitchen when .......

"What are you doing? Get back to sleep! It's late at night." ,yelled my mom from upstairs.

"Alright fine" ,I said.

At that moment- whoever was in the kitchen must have definetily heard the loud exchange of words, so I left whoever it was downstairs. I ran up the stairs and decided to take one more final glance at the small opening when I saw a pale face peep through the opening. Her eyes were black with clear dark shadows under her eyes. The way she stared at me looked like she was frustrated and hungry. I looked at her face for what seemed like hours trying to proccess her horribly, morbid face. It took a while for me to get back to reality. I couldn't proccess what I was looking at until my mom made a noise in her throat that I then walked all way up to my bedroom. I locked the door to prevent what it was from following me up to my bedroom. I couldn't sleep well that night. I stared at the door anticipating it to be opned slightly by whatever that thing was.

Looking back now I feel a little dumb for not thinking of the shadow I first saw, as an intruder. Anyway, i'm glad my mom distracted me and called me back up the stairs. I still wonder what that thing wanted though. The way it look at me still gives me chills but im still curious. They say curiousity killed the cat and I guess if it wasnt for mom it would've killed me too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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