Chapter 2

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"Laura! Get up and get dressed, we're going to the gym!" I pulled down my blanket and reached for my phone. 7:48 A.M. My parents had to be crazy waking me up this early. As my mom continued to knock on my door, I pretended to be fast asleep, hoping that they'd give up and go without me. No luck. A few seconds later, I felt my blanket being yanked off and my mom looking right in my face. "You've got to be kidding me." I said silently. "No kidding, we're leaving in 15 minutes so get in the shower and get dressed and meet us in the car." My mom must have seen that I wasn't getting up. "Now Laura!" She screamed. "Do you want to be a fat-a** for the rest of your life?" I cringed at the word she used. I was okay with being called fat, because clearly I was, but for my mom to just come out and insult me like that? I got up and headed to the bathroom. In exactly 15 minutes, my parents and I were in the car headed to the gym. I sulked in the backseat as my dad looked at me through the rear view mirror. "Laura honey, don't look so sad. It's not going to be so horrible." I payed my dad no mind and took out my new iPod touch, which was a gift from my bestfriend, Stacy, who was away on vacation. The iPod was preloaded with all of our favorite songs and videos. I plugged in my headphones and put my iPod on shuffle, tuning out my parents for the rest of the ride. 


Before I knew it, we pulled into Bally Total Fitness. I was reluctant to get out of the car, but ended up getting out anyway. I frowned in disgust seeing how excited my parents were about this. Why would they even want to work out? Didn't they know how hard it was? 2 consecutive semesters of gym in my freshman year were enough 'working out' to last a lifetime. I don't see why they can't just accept that they have a fat daughter. My mom must have noticed my hint of disapproval. "Come on Laura, one full summer of this everyday and you'll be skinny in no time." One. Full. Summer? Every. Day? We walked into the center and I sat down on one of the benches while my parents gave the people at the desk our information. Before I knew it, my parents were pulling me up, telling me where to go first. We walked towards the treadmills and my mom told me to walk on that for 30 minutes and they'd be back as soon as I was done. I figured that I'd do it for 5 and wonder around. They'd never know. 

After I got bored of the treadmill, I walked around the center, checking out some of the other stuff they had. I noticed that there were NO kids my age here. "Hey, you new here?" Not recognizingthe voice, I turned around and came face to face with the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. I became disappointed to see that he wasn't even overweight. "Are you going to answer my question?" The Gorgeous Guy said, smirking. "Umm, kind of. Just here with my parents." I laughed nervously. "My name is Laura," I said, sticking out my hand so he could shake it. After looking at my hand and seeing that it was drenched with sweat, I quickly put it back. "Jeffrey, but call me Jeff." The Gorgeous Guy responded. "Cool," was all I could manage to say. "So, see ya around?" Jeff asked. I nodded and walked away. An hour later, I met back up with my parents. "Ready to go?" My dad asked? Still upset that they brought me here, I didn't respond and walked out to get in the car. I almost wanted to cry. With me being fat, there was no way I would ever be able to get a guy like Jeff. Come to find out, I would eventually be in for the surprise of my life.  

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