Chapter 1

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"Get up Charlie, it's time for school. Hurry up you don't want to be late for your first day back." I heard my brother Derek say. "Give me five more minutes Derek." I whined. "No can do baby sis." Derek chuckled. "Jerk." I mumbled. I finally got up and went to the shower, turned on the water and stepped in.

(after shower)

I dried my self off and put on black skinny jeans, a green day shirt, and a pair of black converse. I then straightened my hair and applied a touch of make-up.

I go down stairs to the kitchen and make myself a bowl of frosted flakes with extra sugar. I then walk outside and find my best friends, Blake and Axel, with a black '67 Impala sitting in my driveway. I squealed at the car. I may be a girl but I love my cars.

I walked up to the car inspecting it when my name is called. I look up to see Blake and Axel staring at me. I just blush and say "I didn't know you got a new car." "We just got it this morning Char." says Blake. "Now do you want a ride or not because we are going to be late if you don't hurry up?" asks Axel. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming don't get your panties in a twist Axel." I retort. "Well then lets go" and we were off to hell I mean school.


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