This Guy...

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(Justin's favorite song at age 14)

It was a Saturday night, and Justin was up late finishing some homework. Math, not his best subject, but he had to. He had something else on his mind at the moment. Justin is 14, 8th grade. He had secrets, like every other 14 year old boy. 

 His daily schedule consists of waking up, showering, eating, going to school, and getting beaten up on his way home. Only to come home to an aggressive, drunken, abusive father. One day he got home to a sober father. Finally, he thought, For once hes not drunk... "Hey Kid" , "So did you forget my name already or...",  His father chuckled, "Oh, it seems we have a jokester on our hands huh?"Ignoring his dad, Justin rushes up to his room and instantly grabs his laptop, he opens YouTube and plays his favorite song. Justin's dad came to his room. "Okay, you're probably wondering why I'm sober today, we're moving" "Like out of California?" Justin asked, "Yes, were moving to Pierre, South Dakota!" "Okay... I'm gonna........gonna go to Allie's house." Allie was Justin's girlfriend. They've been together for 3 years, so what he was about to tell her would be really hard for him. Justin arrived to Allie's house. He greeted her mother and went to her room. "Hey Allie..." he said with a shaky voice. "Hi, whats wrong?"  "I'm moving... to South Dakota soon...." Allie paused for a moment, then started to cry. She stood up, walked over to Justin, And cried into his shoulder. He assured her everything would be okay. He said he didn't want to lose touch with her, but he couldn't have a long distance relationship either. "So...does this...mean...we're...breaking up...?" Allie asked him. "Guess so, but just know... i love you Allie..." About two weeks later, Justin found himself boarding a plane with his dad. Why he thought Why do i have to move halfway across the country?  They arrived in South Dakota and Justin's dad took him to see their new house, and new school. They get to the house, and Justin grabbed his phone and played his favorite song while unpacking. he thought about how school would be. He had a week to think about it. when the song ended he grabbed his laptop and Skyped Allie. They talked for hours about the new town. he was crying by the end of the call. 

The week went by extremely quick. He went to his new school and made a friend. His name was Matt. They bonded over everything. Music, YouTubers, They were both from San Diego. The two boys quickly became best friends. Four short months later, the last day of the year Matt shared something with Justin. "Hey" "Hi" "I have to tell you something..." Matt paused for two minutes then the silence was abruptly broken by Matt   saying ".....I...I'm gay..." Another long pause, and Justin offered for Matt to sleep over. Matt agreed. That night, Justin said, "I owe you something..." "Yeah" Matt Replied. "Um...I'm gay too..." This surprised Matt "I thought you had a girl back in San Diego" "I did but it felt wrong, and when I'm with you, everything feels... perfect..."  Matt was silent for the rest of the night. He was supposed to sleep on the floor, but i think you can all figure out what happened... 

The next morning, Justin  woke up and saw Matt was in his bed. He freaked and woke Matt up. "Oh my god... I... I can't think... umm... WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Justin screamed this and pushed Matt out of his bed. Matt scrambled to get up. Justin didn't like the fact there was another gay guy in his room but all he could think was oh my god this guy... they got up, got ready for the day, and went downstairs for breakfast. They left Justin's house and walked to the nearest park. They sat and talked for a few hours. they discussed Matt's life first....

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for reading this first chapter of my first actual story. I really am thankful for everyone that reads this. love you all.


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