I DØNT Tak€ orDer$ FrØm U.

18 2 1

Characters: SallyCriminal & Scarlett

its a dark cold silent night as Sally's on her way just wondering around screwing around in the alleys finding some old spray painters left behind as she grab them just to have a bit of some fun besides going on a killing rampage, she began spray painting on everything silently as she chuckles while she ruined their stupid neighborhood.

Scarlett walk around the dark alleys of the streets ready to start her show

of the night she began humming a melody tuning up her voice her

humming got interrupt by someone chuckle

turning around annoyed by who ever disturb her she notice a girl spraying around paint

ruining the place around.

as Sally been spraying around the President statue spraying a funny face and different mean symbols bad words as the spray bottle is finished she threw it away in the trash cane and walked away she start sensing someone kinda far away watching her she shrugged and ignored it and put her hood on walked away.

Scarlett notice the girl as she walk began to walk away, it annoyed her seen how she messed up

the place with paint, that she had choose this place for her performance and it was all ugly now.

"hey you..." she called out to her

Sally stop and she wonderd who it was as her eyes glow red in the dark she turned her head looking at whoever it was in the corner of her eye looking at her as she didnt responding nothing.

Scarlett notice the girl turn around with out saying a word

"you are going to have to clean this place down, you see, this is where i plan on having my show,

and you just messed it up.." she said as she crossed her hands against chest

Sally chuckle and still say no word as thinking its ridiculous to just clean it just before she put her whole effort and time just for fun and now she haded to clean up?! she said in a serious tone

"nø CaN Dø PE€p Dø iT FøR m€ ₩0uŁd Y@~"

she said as she chuckled and start walking away as she sliped her hands in her pocket as she looked back infront of her.

Scarlett chuckled by what she had said and as she turn to walk away she teleported appearing

infront of her again

"You are not leaving till you clean that up..., we can do this the easy way, or the hard way.."

Sally stared into her eyes dead serious

"$0rR¥ I døNT TaK€ oRdeRs FrØm NoboDy ¢anT u do uR CirCu$ ShiT sØm€₩h€r€ eł$€ InstEaD PE€p th€r€$ aŁøT møR€ b@3UTifuŁ Pl@¢€$ thEn thIs StuPid PlAc€" she walked past besides Scarlett.

as Sally walk past besides Scarlett a tear of blood run down her red eye as Scarlett activated her blood manipulation ability

making a wall of blood appear infront of her stoping her from leaving.

Sally groan not even in the mood to be doing this as she turned around looking over at her completely calm as she glare at Scarlett into her eyes deeply making her unable to not look away while she prepare her combat knives to take out thinking about her stradegty

Scarlett's smile grew on her lips revealing her sharp razor teeth,

"so whats it going to be..? are we doing this the easy way..? "

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