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                                                             CHAPTER 1 - The Meeting

It started out as a normal day on a virtual world. Matty thought he was going to be going out with someone he liked but she just shoved him off and tried to hook him up with others. So one day she made me follow her to trading post. I was talking then all of a sudden Sooty gave me a heart necklace it was mean't for my friend so I gave it to her but Sooty gave me another one started whispering to my friend and said Sooty really likes me. I don't know how long we talked but, all I know is it was first sight in love. Sooty was sweet,kind,caring,loving. Sooty admited at first that she was eighteen. We then later on hangout more and talked more till Sooty had to go to bed. That's how we meet the first time ever on the virtual world called Smallworlds.

The next day we continued on talking and actually went out as couples. We'll that day I found out Sooty was not eighteen. Sooty later on told me the truth that she was thirteen. I knew by law its against the law to be with someone Sooty's age so we broke up but, later on I just couldn't help how sweet Sooty was such a precious angel and I let her go. We'll I took Sooty back to be mine even if it's against the law. I cannot let law stop me from being in love. I know Sooty is young very young compared to me. But I am only dating in a virtual world once she was eighteen the plan is simple we move are relationship outside the video game. We have been in love ever since that decision. I however am 23 as you see why it's against the law far apart across other countries far away across the ocean from one side to the other no way to get to her. I love Sooty even though she is so very young. Sooty's been an insperation to my life. I am glad I have met Sooty, her mom, step dad. They are amazing people and as long as Sooty is around she is the insperation to this story I will continue to write.

The Love broken by law Loved by one A Smallworlds Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now