Amanda is walking to school with her dad Paul and dog Rusty the name of the school is Rose Tyler elementary school in Tyler Texas they walk into the school together rusty is tied up outside when Paul is signing papers so that Amanda can start school the principal ask Paul if he has a address sadly he saids no at the moment he ask Amanda to go wait in the the hallway while the principal and I have a talk so Paul closes the door he tells Mrs Anderson that Amanda Paul and rusty are homeless they have become that way after my wife amber died when Amanda was being born I lost my house and job we have no address but are spending nights at homeless shelters at night I feel like it's hard on my daughter Amanda since she has no mother and I have no wife rusty has been us ever since Tammy Anderson. Understands because mom was homeless when Tammy was Amanda's age so they know what they are going through so Paul and Tammy decide to wrap things up because Amanda rusty and Paul need to get back to the homeless shelter Tammy ask Paul if she can give them a ride back to the homeless shelter Paul saids sure so they all climb into her car and drive to the homeless shelter
The Christmas visiter
Художественная прозаAbout Paul his daughter amber&dog rusty they were homeless