How did i get on my back ? Im laying flat on the ground look towards the sky but where ? An almost blinding white light surrounds me on all sides. I shut my eyes halfway in response to it. The light goes for miles as if and empty, blank world. The only color or shape is the Jet black silhouette of a hand in front of me.
I know this dream.
i have to grab this hand. I HAVE to save her this time. Maybe if i catch her here, in this dream. She'll come back to me in the real life. It's irrational. But i have to try. Try to catch her. I call out to her as loud as i can but my voice barely reaches a dry whisper. I turn onto my side to see her face falling in slow motion, down out of my sight. Color is filling in the world as she continues. Shades of dark and tints of light fill in the white of this cliff i know all too well. And I'm laying down on the rocky surface of the cliff's edge as she's taking her devastating decent downwards.
NO! NAOMI! Naomi....
I still reach no louder than a horse whisper.
her long blue hair is flowing in every direction like a stream split in a hundred directions. As she goes through the air, shaking brown eyes fill with terror. She's expecting me to save her, like always do. I know i can't. But i must try to anyway. I begin reaching out, my hand moving much slower than the speed of her life ending downfall. I miss her.....again...just like in real life. Naomi smiles her last as the terror fades from her eyes. She falls out of sight, towards her death.
Everything begins moving quicker now. Almost like on the dimensional cube (or a movie as i learned it was called) going in fast forward. I stand to my feet and grasp the cotton-clothed hilt of decrepit blade. My blood is boiling my veins and i know why. When i turn from the cliff a devious smile look towards me. Short black hair with pale face. It's Blake, the one pushed the love of my life off that very cliff. He draws his blade from the sheath, the hissing of the metal doesn't frighten me. In seconds of swinging blades clashing a successful trust goes into his stomach. Blood pours out. He falls. I avenged my lover's death against this monster....Marik....
The clearly audible words blur into my dream and the instant after my eyes open. I'm awake now but i refuse to admit it. I don't want to be conscious. I hate the real world. but it's too late."MARIK GNOLE! WAKE UP! You'll get plenty of sleep where you're going."
I open my eyes to see this 'where'. It's a portal, great. I was sentenced to be banished......