Thank yu everyone for the votes n comments ..
Especially loveonedirection0212 n yashwadhwani104..
I hav got 104 views, 18 votes n 10 comments.
I knw its not a lot but it means to me a lot.☺
Quotes For YOU
RomanceHere are some quotes for yur loved ones I hope you like as it is first time so do leave if ther are some mistakes. PLEASE DO VOTE N COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THEM AND EVEN I WILL BE HAPPY UPDATING THEM :) XD XP
Thank yu everyone for the votes n comments ..
Especially loveonedirection0212 n yashwadhwani104..
I hav got 104 views, 18 votes n 10 comments.
I knw its not a lot but it means to me a lot.☺