Part 6

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 After cleaning up my room a little I decide to go check on Becca. I walk two doors down from my room and knock. “Come in,” I hear a soft voice say. I twist the door knob and poke my head in. Becca is laying on the bed looking up at the ceiling. I slide in the room and close the door, “Um, what are you doing?” I questioned standing next to her. She laughs, “I can't get up,” she admits. I laugh a little and offer her a hand. She takes it and I slowly pull her up. She grabs her stomach, “Ouch!” she shouts. I back up, “Sorry,” I say because I wasn't sure if I was the one who hurt her or not. She makes a weird face and places both hands on her belly, “I need this thing out of me. I can't take it anymore, it's driving me crazy,” She says freaking out. I put both hands up, “Becca, calm down. What is your deal?” I ask sitting next to her. “I've had these sharp pains since last night, so I got no sleep and I am like a bomb waiting to go off if someone says or does the littlest thing,” she says looking at me. I look at her, “Pains, like what do you mean?” I ask a little worried. She shrugs, “Just the baby kicking like a little boxer. But it is getting more intense by the hour,” she says rubbing her stomach. I look at her, “Maybe the little dude is going to come soon,” I say. She looks at me, “Um, no. He needs to stay in there longer, I haven't mentally prepared myself for the pain of getting him out,” she said in a terrified look. I laughed at her comment, “Well he needs to come sooner or later, and if you want your model figure back you want him sooner,” I say making us both laugh. “Yeah that is true,” she says. I smile and get up, “Well, I better go start dinner or the boys might burn the house down,” I say as I leave.

When I get downstairs I am greeted by seven boys all staring at me. “Um, can I help you?” I asked with a smirk. They all look at me like im dumb, “Food women,” Jesse shouts. I cross my arms, “Excuse me,” I say in a mad tone but really im hiding a smile. Blake hits Jesse upside the head, “Don't talk to my lady like that,” he says. Chris smiles, “Kassie, may you please make us one of your wonderful meals,” he asked in a sweet, charming tone. I smile, “Of course,” I walk over to the fridge, “What should I make,” I ask. And as soon as the words left my mouth I had seven boys shouting different things at me. I close the fridge and look at them in amusement as they argue over what I am going to make. Then Becca walks in, “Sit down, and shut up, because we are having what ever I say. I'm eating for two so suck it,” She says sitting down next to Chris who sweetly kisses her cheek. I lean on the counter, “Well then Rebecca, what would you and the little man want?” I say with a smile. She looks at me with a smile, “Noodles,” she says with a smile. All the boys look at her, “Noodles? Really?” Eric complains. “Why do you eat such weird things?” Seth adds on. Becca glares at them, “When your pregnant then we will talk. This boy makes me crave weird things at weird times,, so shut your face,” she says making everyone laugh. I shake my head as I laugh and pull out everything needed to make it.

After eating, everyone walked to their rooms since it was 10pm and we had classes tomorrow. I laid in my bed only to be jumped on by Blake. “You fatty, you are crushing me,” I joked as I struggled under him. He fake gasped, “Did you call me fat?” he said making me smile. I start hitting his back with my fits, “Get off!” I say between laughs. “OUCH!” we hear Becca scream down the hall. It snaps both of us fast and we run down the hall, along with everyone else. Chris is the first to go in, “What's wrong?” he says as we all enter. Becca is laying on her side holding her stomach in tears, “Holy freaking shit, You did this to me,” She screams at him. I push past everyone to get to her, “What is wrong?” I ask her. She points to her stomach, “He's ready to come out im guessing,” She says holding back more tears. Those words set everyone in panic mode. Chris started freaking out and packing all the stuff they will need, while the boys all were talking and freaking out and walking around. Blake was next to me slowly helping Becca sit up while I talked to her to calm her down. Chris comes to her side and him and Blake help her stand. “Sweet baby Jesus, never again Chris,” she says as they slowly make their way to the stairs. Alright, so Becca was in so much pain the two had to carry her down the stairs and to the car. We took two cars. Blake, Chris, Becca, and I in one, and the rest in the other. Then we rushed into the hospital.

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