Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Miya's P.O.V

I was just lying on this uncomfortable hospital bed with needles sticking out my hands, waiting for this damn doctor to come and tell me to go. I'm fine, just a bit tender. Ughh I hate hospitals. It just sticks of disinfectant and bleach. Calum's hand clamped over my feet, I just look at him sceptically.

"You kept fidgeting your feet, I know your impatient but I was slowly going insane," he says flashing me his cheeky grin.

"Sorry.." I mumble.

Just then we heard footsteps coming along the corridor. The doctor strolled in grabbing the clipboard from the end of the bed and glancing at it.

"Hi there, Im Dr Smith. Well you seem to be doing much better Miss Clifford, you should be able to leave in about a week.." He said my mood suddenly down.

"What's that now?" I shot back, no way am I staying here another WEEK.

"Miya.." Calum cautioned me, grabbing my hand rubbing circles with his thumb calming me down but I still continue,

"I ain't staying here for another week, I'm fine!" but Dr know-it-all Smith just smiled and patted my head before leaving. I almost flew for him then and there if it wasn't for Calum gripping my hand in his freakishly strong clasp so I use my other hand to chuck the nearest thing to me at the doorway, which was a vase of flowers. HE DID NOT PAT MY HEAD, Who the hell does he think he is? I'm not a child. Stupid smart arse doctor.

"Miya chill, a week will fly by.." Calum says trying to lighten the mood I just growl angry.

Ashton's P.O.V

I was walking up the corridor to Miya's room with Gemma, Michael had told us she was finally awake and I was ecstatic.

"So Gemma, you and Mikey boy huh?" I say smirking at her, the sound of his name causing her to blush deep red, aw that's cute. She quickly turns her head away coughing awkwardly.

"Uhmm.. What? That's..uhh.. Yeah.. Uh.. What was the question again?" She replies getting all flustered, playing with her fingers.

"Come on Gem's it's obvious you two love birds are into each other! I mean earlier when he came and told us Miya was awake he couldn't even look at you without blushing and even now when I mention him your face is like a tomato," I say chuckling, she just playfully scowls at me.

"You and Miya are so alike sometimes, d'you know that? God I can only just handle Miya now I have to deal with you too!" She says dramatically wavy her arms about. Just then I spot something, or someone that shouldn't be here.

"Shit!" I mutter, I grab Gemma and slip out the nearest stairs exit, she stays silent until we get out.

"What the hell..? Who's was that Ashton? What's going on?!" She demanded. I run my hands through my hair tugging slightly. She only looks at me confused.

" He's here for Miya and the rest of you.." I mutter, "Gemma, it's him!"

Writers notes: omg I'm so so so so so so sorry this is absolute pish but I updated I'm just really tired, honestly what I really wanted to write was there was a unicorn chasing after me with a leather suitcase, yeah I'm crazy but hey ho

Happy birthday to my bestie Sarah Aimee love you sissy


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