The story :3

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I had trouble writing the story. SO. Yeah. Deal with it. >:3

If you don’t like it too bad.

Skylar puts her feet up on the wall.

“I’m so bored. Soo bored,” Skylar chants. Maggie rolls her eyes at her.

“Hush, child. You’re just bored because Christopher isn’t here yet,” Maggie teases. Skylar scoffs.

“Or maybe it’s the fact that you’re not entertaining.”

“Would putting a pillow over your face and sitting on it until you stop flailing, and then eventually stop breathing be entertaining?” Maggie holds a pillow up with a wild smile on her face. Skylar eases away from her.


“Muaha. Muahaha! It’s alright. Most girls who like guys are like that,” Maggie sits down with the pillow across her lap.

“Yeah? And how do you act when you like a guy?” Skylar asks. Maggie taps her chin.

“I usually want to get as far away from them as possible.” Maggie laughs, and the doorbell rings.

“Maggie! There’s some guy at the door for you!” Maggie’s sister, Louise, yells.

“That must be him,” Maggie skips two steps at a time going down the stairs. “Who is it?” She asks through the intercom.

“Who do you think it is?” A rough voice comes from the other side of the door. Skylar bounces down the steps and stands behind Maggie as she opens the door.

“Aw, look who it is,” Maggie widens the door and Christopher walks in.

“Derp. Happy birthday,” Christopher says.

“Why, thank you very much, dear,” Maggie’s eyes go down to the bag that he’s “hiding” behind his bag, “you can put that on the table.” She nods towards the cherry wood dining table. Skylar stands behind her like an awkward duckling.

“Erm, hi,” she says awkwardly with a nod to Christopher.

“Hey,” he responds. Maggie looks between them, her face contorted into aw-ness. She snorts, and then coughs in a sad attempt to cover it up.

“Okay, so, er, now that that is over, we’re going to head down to the pool after three more people show up.” She smiles. “I’ll, er, be, er, gone for a second,” Maggie walks up the stairs and winks.

Skylar and Christopher just stand there in the living room, looking at everything but each other.

“So, er, how long did it take you to get here?” Christopher asks, and silently curses himself for asking such a stupid question.

“Like, three hours and some amount of minutes,” Skylar responds.

“Oh same here. Hehe, weird,” Christopher laughs awkwardly and bites his tongue.

Maggie snorts and skips down the stairs, her ear pressed to her phone.

“Okay, bye,” Maggie finishes up on the phone and then looks at Skylar and Christopher, and then shakes her head.

The doorbell rings again.

“Sky, can you get that for me?” Skylar nods and goes to open the door. Maggie leans in to say something to Christopher. “That was the most awkward conversation I’ve ever heard. ‘How long did it take you to get here?’” Maggie chuckles and shakes her head sadly.

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