let me breathe

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"Harry, stay with me."

Draco whispered to his ears.

It was ten in the evening, and everybody inside the castle was already asleep. Most of the old seventh years decided  to get back to Hogwarts after the war, and helped rebuilding it along with the others who wish to complete their unfinished semester. It became a lot more peaceful since then. There are more chances of the moon shining bright instead of the dark mark illuminating the sky. The silence surrounds them in a comfortable manner unlike during the tiring chases where silence means to be on-guard.

Harry snuggled deeper to Draco's warmth as an answer. Looking up to see the blonde boy smirking at his actions. He sighed, feeling content on his lover's chest. It was rare for Draco to ask and meet him, but he's not complaining.

Harry loves this, when he and Draco would meet by their meeting place, the trees next to the black lake where the water is deeper and the wind is colder. Harry disliked the place, frightened that someday he would fall to the dark cold lake, but he never told Draco. He didn't complain either. He was not to complain.

As long as I get to see you.

Nobody knows, of course. Draco didn't want anyone to know, and Harry respects his decision. Their relationship has always been a secret, though he almost let it slip to Hermione once when they were still in their fifth year, during dinner, the day before Harry had received his detention from Umbridge. And that didn't end well.

Harry and Draco fought that night, it wasn't their first, but it was the most emotionally painful. How did Draco know about Harry's almost "mistake"? He was not sure. The Slytherin boy was not even there with him to hear his and Hermione's conversation. But Draco knows everything. He just do. Since then, Harry swore not to fight with Draco again and he didn't want to see Draco mad again. Because Harry knows that Draco turns into someone he isn't when he's angry and he is scared of that Draco.

Draco hummed a familiar tune, making Harry smile. It was the lullaby that Draco made for him back when he began having his torturous nightmares, and it became Draco's habit to sing it for him whenever they are together. He felt Draco remove his glasses and place it on the ground next to them, another habit of him that made Harry chuckle.

Soothing yet unnerving, Harry slowly let his painful memories flow away. His thoughts of his friends' death. Of the wizarding world. Of the tiring past. Of tomorrow. Harry ignored everything but Draco's presence. Even his thoughts of the scary silhouette on his lover's face before he shut his eyes and succumb to the night.

"Sleep, Harry. You'll be fine, as long as you have me."


Harry woke up with a jolt and a chill running down his spine. He found himself lying on his bed, confused and disoriented. Draco must've found a way to return him back to the Gryffindor towers, like usual - he thought. He turned his head to the left to see Ron sleeping on his own bed, but his red-haired friend was not there anymore. Nobody was there in the room with him as a matter of fact. He looked at the clock on his table, and saw that it was still four in the morning.

Now, that is odd.

A wind went in from the window next to his bed, making him shiver painfully. Harry moved, noticing the cause of his demise. There was nothing he could do but groan when he saw his reflection on the mirror in front him, he looked like he took a swim in the tub. He was dripping wet.

The lads were playing tricks on him again. This is not the first time he's awakened soaking wet on his clothes. But Ron and the others never admitted their prank. Sighing, he dried himself with his wand. Getting angrier and angrier with his friends for pulling a prank on him. If Draco's with him, he wouldn't let this happen. He would be furious.

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