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College is a drag, nothing but homework, school, and drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. If you hang out with the right people you're guaranteed  to get some good stuff.

For example I'm a popular girl so I get invited to the best frat parties on campus. The parties are outrageous because you don't just get the drugs they also have games which I prefer not to go into detail with.

Some people take partying way to far though to where they can't wake up for class the next day because of a hang over or they woke up in the wrong bed (if you know what I mean).

Me on the other hand I was not popular in high school and was in the nerdiest of the nerds squad. Where we would all pretend to get high on coffee our parents wouldn't let us have at 12 o'clock at night.

After high school I got my fat ass exercising and eating right, now I'm considered "hot".

I hate boys in college too there either a smartass that just wants to get there diploma over and done with or a stupid jock that's riding on a scholarship that they got in high school and can't control what's in there pants.

Some people are in college for more than four years so it gets kind of boring after a while. They either quit college are they stop the extra stuff and focus on their grades.

I'm in college to be a teacher but I took most of the required courses in high school so I can have a good amount of time to act like an idiot in the afternoon for college. Everything that I have said just repeats everyday in college but if you meet the right person it changes the wa yyou look at things.

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