I. Found

30 2 2

I woke up.

One. That's enough for counting my blessings. 

Falling asleep every night is a battle in the war of life, and waking up every day is another victory. There will come a day where I don't wake up, but I will continue to march forward fearless and quick for as long as this soul barely thrives in my body.

I attempt to get up and instantly crumple back into my original heap of leaves. Your bones are broken. Right. How could I forget the bone crushing-literally-escape from yesterday. Truth be told, I don't remember much of anything. I don't even remember falling asleep. Come to really think of it, the nasty fall I took could be the blame for my forgotten rest,  and now the ringing in my ears. Yet, as I began to truly come to, I could make out words. Someone, female, was singing a chilling tune. The sorrowful tone in her voice would have shattered my heart had I been able to feel.

I strained my ears to hear. The song was beautiful and her voice resembled the choir of hell-- not glad and heavenly, but broken and torn down.

O' Happy Dagger, won't you clip off these wings?

I lie at the altar, giving my body as offering at your hearth

Every cut, every scar, every single wound sings

Tales of an angel once in Heaven, now fallen beneath the earth.

I could hear the sound approach me and I craned my neck, my breathing stilled in anticipation. Who is she? Quite cliche if I do say so myself. A crumpled heap of a man, lost and wounded in a forest, is stumbled upon by a musical dryad. The only thing left is for me to fall eternally in love with her. Too bad I'm not the type.

The brush rustled and she stepped into the clearing. It was unexpected when my train of thought suddenly collided against the sporadic beating of my heart.

Or maybe I am.


Feeling oddly inspired after busting a crack fic earlier today :^) teehee. Vote and comment to let me know if I should continue, please <3

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